3 thoughts on “Harrison Bergeron, Call Your Office”

  1. I don’t think it’s that simple, Rand. Read this comment over at the VC discussion of this story. The author has read some of the back story, and says:

    According to the kid’s Wikipedia page, his team is 8-0, with the kid having pitched 8 no-hitters!. In other words…in 8 complete games no kid in the league has been able to get a single hit against him. I also read a couple articles that said that the New Haven league asked his parents to move him to a baseball league with slightly older players, but they refused.

    Under those circumstances, and as a parent of two boys, it sounds to me like the league may well have made the right choice. I don’t think abstract egalitarian principles should trump the cost to actual human beings, or make a mockery of the concept of sportsmanlike competition.

  2. “A nine-year-old boy has been banned from Little League for being too good a pitcher.”

    You know, that’s what I always told myself when a woman stopped sleeping with me. I was banned from the bedroom for being too sexy.

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