
Does John Kerry have any idea how pathetic and stupid he sounds trying to paint Sarah Palin as another Dick Cheney? Apparently not.

How epic is the fail, on so many levels, of such a comparison? Of course, it also assumes that if he can get people to make such an association, that it’s politically helpful to him. This kind of idiotic projection of their own derangement and hatred on the American public is one of the reasons that the Dems haven’t been able to get a majority of the popular vote in over thirty years.

Hilarious. I just wish that Stephanopolous had asked him to elaborate.

27 thoughts on ““Cheneyesque””

  1. Does John Kerry have any idea how pathetic and stupid he sounds trying to paint Sarah Palin as another Dick Cheney?

    I have to agree that Kerry’s comparison is off the mark. Cheney is as undeterrable as Anton Chigurh. Palin, by contrast, was for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it.


    Kerry seized on the fact that Palin has thrown out some wild Christian conservative proposals: Abortion should be banned, creationism should be taught along with evolution. But what Kerry is missing is that she flipped and said that she wouldn’t govern with these ideas.

    Another wildcard is Palin’s statement in early 2007 that she favored an exit plan for Iraq. That would be great if she stuck to it, because Prime Minister Maliki is pushing for the same thing. Maliki even said that he reached an agreement with the US to send the last US soldier home by 2011, even though the Bush Administration has said that they didn’t agree to it. So it would be interesting to see what would happen if Palin met Maliki. But maybe Palin will say that she only put her toe in the water when she asked for an exit plan.


  2. > Kerry seized on the fact that Palin has thrown out some wild Christian conservative proposals: Abortion should be banned, creationism should be taught along with evolution. But what Kerry is missing is that she flipped and said that she wouldn’t govern with these ideas.

    To say it differently, I think something a lot of people are missing is that even though Palin has particular views personally, in elected office she seems to have done a rather good job of respecting rule of law (unlike Bush?) and the will of the people instead of pushing her own views upon others.

  3. Jim Harris…

    Keep reaching. Hope you realize parading John Kerry’s thoughts on the GOP VP candidate only matters to Democrats. Namely, those Democrats who are going to vote for “the chosen one” and the guy from Delaware, come hell or high water. I do like the way you write, especially the ditty “John Kerry seized …” John also seized a loss in 2004.

  4. Even though Palin has particular views personally, in elected office she seems to have done a rather good job of respecting rule of law (unlike Bush?) and the will of the people instead of pushing her own views upon others.

    She stated flatly that abortion should be illegal even in cases of rape or incest, not just that she personally would never have an abortion. Obviously, once she is in a position to veto or support new laws, that leaves a great deal up in the air as to what exactly is the rule of law or the will of the people.

    It turns out that McCain had wanted to pick Lieberman for months, but Christian conservatives told him that he had better pick someone anti-abortion. They think that she will eventually show some spine and act against abortion — of course their agenda is to outlaw it by degrees rather than all at once. For instance, there could be a bill that criminalizes abortion in all military medical facilities. They would have in mind military women stationed overseas. Since the Christian conservatives got Palin where she is now, why wouldn’t Palin support such a bill as the will of the people?

    Same thing with creationism. If future Supreme Court nominees think that creationism is as good as evolution and doesn’t violate separation of church and state, why wouldn’t Palin also see that as the will of the people?

    For now you have a point, in that Palin has not staked very much on the issues. She opposes corruption (not that anyone feared she would praise it), she opposes Mike Wooten, she wants more oil taxes, she wants to give every Alaskan resident $1,200, and she was both for and against the Gravina Island bridge. And that’s about it. Other than that, even she wants to be a likable blank slate.

  5. Sorry, I forgot to link the report that explains that McCain actually wanted Lieberman.


    Given that McCain wanted Lieberman, he deserves credit for being, as he wants to be, a maverick. Palin is a maverick choice too. But it’s not enough to be McSame 3/4 the time, and then a maverick the other 1/4 of the time just for the sake of being a maverick.

  6. “But it’s not enough to be McSame 3/4 the time, and then a maverick the other 1/4 of the time just for the sake of being a maverick.”

    As opposed to being ORadical 50% of the time and OCarter the other 50%?

    I hate to poke holes in your Liberman assertion but it appears McCain picked her weeks ago:


    Not to mention that McCain-Palin was the only domain registered amongst McCain and his possible veep picks and it was registered weeks ago.

  7. Wow, the left is apoplectic about the Palin choice. Kerry is comparing her to Cheney (I thought the meme was she didn’t have experience?). Alan Colmes won Rush Limbaugh’s bet that a liberal would attack Palin for risking a pregnancy that resulted in Downs Syndrome. Daily Kos is making sure there is no low mark to attack with. This isn’t John Edwards, “no father on the birth certificate”; Palin had the child. It’s pretty sick that people will spend hours reviewing a 14 year old (she is 16 now, but the photos are 2 years old) stomach to look for a “bump”.

    I wonder, do the moonbats actually think this stuff makes Palin look bad and them/Obama look good? If they do, Obama is going to lose in a landslide.

  8. Let’s face it, anyone or anything that John Kerry, Jim Harris and anon troll are fighting against this much, must have some true merit.

  9. Palin isn’t a Dick Cheney, but she is about as close as one can get to big oil. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing in this day and age. Note the teflon from Palin. One cannot make it stick that she’s as mean and conniving as a Dick Cheney. Let’s hope she doesn’t test things too much with her hunting before the election.

  10. Here’s McCain’s selection for the Vice Presidency of the United States, Sarah Palin, answering a 2006 policy questionnaire:

    Q: Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

    PALIN: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I

  11. “PALIN: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I

  12. Cheney hunts doves, Palin hunts moose. I don’t think the next prospective Republican veep will be able to follow that linear trend, not unless the Jurassic Big Game Hunting Park becomes a reality…

  13. Close to big oil; that’s why she opened up the newest pipeline to competitive bidding, forced out Exxon Mobil, and a Canadian company ended up with the contract, right.

  14. From anonymous’ obsidianwings link:

    “”I’m an Alaskan, not an American. I’ve got no use for America or her damned institutions.”

    I look forward to a reply of the guilt-by-association arguments and the “damning America” arguments we enjoyed back in the primaries.

  15. “I’m an Alaskan, not an American. I’ve got no use for America or her damned institutions.”

    Ha, that really is pretty funny.

    See also this:


    “Keep up the good work, and God bless you!” — Governor Sarah Palin, speaking to AKIP in 2008

    McCain really does shoot from the hip, you have to give him credit for that.

  16. Simberg and fellow Hypocrites here:

    Just imagine the fun you would have had if Obama had been a member of such an organization.

    Imagine that he would have had half a chance of continuing to run for national, let alone local office.

    Say it isn’t because he is Black.

    Shall we say divine retribution?

  17. I say Sarah Palin is off the ticket within a week.
    What do you think Simberg?

    I think that’s wishful thinking in the extreme on the part of you and the drooling left. I also think that you are a moron.

    Would you care for any more of my thoughts?

  18. Enough name calling from you Mr. Simberg.

    I really want your thoughts as to when Sarah Palin will Put Country First and drop out. It’s her cuntry isn’t it? Or maybe it aint.

    Come on man, let’s have some fun – give us your best shot: when, when, when?

    And then, McCain looks like the little boy with a cap-gun, no?


    McCain, the self scalper. What a nut.


  19. She is not going to drop out at all, let alone within a week.

    And if you can’t watch your language, you will be banned.

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