8 thoughts on ““Materially False””

  1. The debate seems like a matter of opinion really.

    Bush vetted Putin by looking at the bottom of his soul,
    McCain vetter Palin by looking at her bottom.

    The NYT thinks in their opinion the McCain Camp
    should have interviewed her friends, her enemies,
    her family, her tax records, her business records,
    her public record, her press record

    It’s a matter of opinion. If McCain wants a lightweight
    as his backstop that’s his call.

    If McCain wants my vote that’s a whole different game

  2. “The NYT thinks in their opinion the McCain Camp
    should have interviewed her friends, her enemies,
    her family, her tax records, her business records,
    her public record, her press record”

    He did. Their opinion is wrong. RTFA.

    “If McCain wants my vote that’s a whole different game”

    He would have to serve Kool-Ade for that to become a possibility.

  3. JJ

    You can believe the NYTimes just made up their article,
    that’s okay.

    The McCain camp wouldn’t be flying people to AK to check
    her background out now, if they had done their homework
    all season.

    If the McCain camp wanted to prove they had vetted Governor
    Palin, they would show the questionnaires, the Boxes of material
    they collected, and let the press see them.

    They are going to need to release material anyways.
    1040 returns, (Which Cindy McCain won’t release)
    medical records (Which John McCain won’t release)
    Business records,

    I work in a position of trust i’ve had to turn over
    1040’s, full financial statements, credit records,
    travel records, business records, fingerprints and
    criminal records.

    I keep a copy in 3 big ring binders, because i update it
    annually. I’d love to see the McCain camp show an
    equivalent set of archival boxes.

  4. Bush vetted Putin by looking at the bottom of his soul,
    McCain vetter Palin by looking at her bottom.

    That’s a pretty vile comment. Not that I’m surprised, considering the source. If “john smythe” isn’t your real name, I can certainly understand why.

  5. If McCain wants my vote that’s a whole different game

    McCain would have more too lose if he ever pandered for your vote.

  6. smythe’s general ignorance of the subject matter is highlighted by his claim that McCain hasn’t released his medical records. Obama is the one who hasn’t released his medical records. McCain has released literally over a thousand pages for review by the media including “hundreds of pages of reports from McCain’s health exams at the Robert E. Mitchell Center for Prisoner of War Studies at the Naval Operational Medicine Institute in Pensacola, Fla.”

  7. Ed, that is just all purely semantics. The real issue is that it just doesn’t “feeel” like John has really released anything. I mean, have they written a rap song about John Mccain? Nope….So, how we supposed to know anything about this guy.

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