5 thoughts on “Oh, By The Way”

  1. Dear Rand,

    This is my first time to comment, but I’ve been reading your excellent and informative blog for months.

    I doubt, however, that any liberals will feel trapped or have any qualms about totally abandoning any pretense of Feminist ideals as they savage Sarah Palin – because conservatives just don’t count in their worldview.

    Just as leftists blacks (including the One himself) have had no hesitation about inpugning the intelligence, character and qualifications of Clarence Thomas in ways that would make the most fevered racist of their imaginations grin with glee, Leftist women and men will not hesitate for a moment to contradict every principle they claim to stand for as they attack her with every sexist lie and slander they can think up. Intellectual integrity is not important to Leftists and their ideology of identity politics has never been more than a device to smuggle collectivist ideas into the American culture. They don’t really care about advancing women, they care about creating an all powerful government that will once and for all suppress the one thing they really, sincerely hate – anyone with an independent mind.

    In the end, I think they will fail to destroy Governor Palin, but don’t expect them to flinch from even the most outrageously sexist attacks as they do their worst.

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