8 thoughts on “Sarah Biden’s Gaffes”

  1. The problem, Mr. Simberg, is that Joe Biden isn’t ON McCain’s ticket. Even though Slo’ Joe has said at least once that he would be honored to campaign with (or against) Senator McCain.

    OTOH, perhaps The One can replace Senator Biden with somebody readier to assume the Presidency. Like, say, Senator Clinton. And her husband.

  2. Er, Rand, that VDH column was a parody, and at least one of the gaffes was made by Biden, not Palin. Of course the MSM being so firmly in the tank for the donkeys is probably the reason it isn’t prime time news.

    If your reaction was also parody, it missed the mark with me, but I’ve been called slow before.

  3. If your reaction was also parody, it missed the mark with me, but I’ve been called slow before.

    Well, either it was sarcastic, or I’m an idiot. I like to think that I’m more renowned for the former than the latter.

  4. Rand, we obviously need more funding for humor impairment and funny bone replacement therapy.

    MG, those were all Biden gaffes.

    Go Sarah-Cuda!

    I was disappointed by the populist stand McCain-Palin have taken against the evil capitalists, but given the media situation I can perhaps forgive it to a small extent.

  5. While reading that article I kept waiting for the reveal at the end, which never materialized. Which made me smile but also made me wonder if the piece was too subtle for general consumption.

    From the above I think we can answer that question.

    P.S. For the clueless and/or humor impaired take special note of the name: Sarah BIDEN.

  6. @ken if you won’t take a stand when the chips are down does it actually matter what rhetoric you spout or what you “honestly believe” inside? You can claim you’re an expert automobile driver, you could have read many books, taken many courses, given many lectures to others, but the only thing that matters is how you drive when you’re behind the wheel.

  7. Palin is a threat to the established order. Biden is Chester on Gun Smoke. The left is on a campaign to enshrine moral relativism. It important that the rules be malleable and transitory so their “progressive” drive to make all things possible will be a success. They work hard to contain the Judeo-Christian ethic and to avoid invoking it.

    Palin stirs up the basic tenets of the Judeo-Christian ethic and that is sunlight the left fears and fights. Leftists paint her as afflicted with primitive, fundamentalist instincts as the ultimate proof that she is a drooling idiot.

    Joe Biden is a lovable, consistent, useful idiot who poses no threat to the onward push to moral relativism. Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Kennedy are all Roman Catholics with theirs fingers crossed when they go mass, because they are more disciples of the worship of the state than the morality of the church. That pleases the MSM to no end.

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