8 thoughts on “I Don’t Think That Hillary! Will Be Doing This”

  1. To hear the news media tell it, I was sure Sarah could only play the banjo.

    No, it’s the flute. And if you play the video, you can tell that Sarah is a sharp musician.

  2. It was nice of the Queen to honor Rice’s request to play in the palace. Real class was shown by both ladies.

  3. Well, that was nice of Dr. Rice.

    I don’t see the reason to use this as an opportunity to snark democrats.

    Having said that, I think that the reason that democrats prefer things like playing saxophone on late-night TV or sinking 8/10 baskets from the 3-point line is that any sort of cultured performance activity is portrayed as liberal elitism. It’s bad enough that Bill Clinton played golf – imagine if he’d liked sailing or opera!

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