No More Hoi Polloi

The fearless leader of the Senate, Harry Reid won’t have to smell the tourists any more.

I think that a pair of nose plugs would have been cheaper. I hear you can get a good deal when you combine them with a ball gag.

[Evening update]

Ed Driscoll says that Harry is just channeling Mel Brooks’ version of Louis XVI:

Count de Monet: It is said that the people are revolting.
King Louis XVI: You said it! They stink on ice!

Plus, he has other links, and video.

5 thoughts on “No More Hoi Polloi”

  1. And from this article:

    The nation’s premier taxpayer watchdog group, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today expressed dismay over the exorbitant final price tag for the Capitol Visitors Center (CVC).

    Initially conceived in the early 1990s and projected to cost $71 million, the CVC has become an example of out-of-control government contracting and mismanagement. After costs ballooned and construction schedules spiraled out of control, the three-level, underground monument to congressional excess finally came in at a whopping $621 million and three years behind schedule.

    Years late and massively over budget, yep, it’s a government project all right.

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