36 thoughts on “He’s Going To Find It A Lot Harder Now”

  1. Anyone know how much he smokes? With that job and workouts I will be surprised if he manages to get through more than a pack a day and not surprised at all if he ends up smoking less than half a pack. He should avoid nicotine patches and gum like the devil; they don’t solve anything at all and smoking isn’t all about the nicotine but also the carbon monoxide/dioxide etc.

    Bias: I smoke a lot.

  2. Marlboro should market this. “Buy yourself a pack of Ohhhhh’sssss, Ohhhh yeaaa!!” And emphasize the O on the packaging.

  3. “it appears Bush is still drinking.”

    Good for him! If I had to put up with all the garbage Bush had to during his administration I’d be putting away a fifth a day, not taking a sip of a tiny cocktail just to be polite.

    Seriously, see what you get for trying to be sympathetic? A lot of people will sympathize with Obama for going through what they are going through — fighting with the demon tobacco. (By the way, I don’t smoke, but my parents did, and they could never manage to quit.) But upon seeing the Precious being pointed out as less than perfect, Alert Troll jack lee immediately went googling around the internet until he found a “news report” claiming that Bush was pounding down booze. Couldn’t you find another one where Bush threw up on the banquet table, tried to kiss the Peruvian minister’s wife, and was carried away by his team of Secret Service bodyguards as he sobbed “I really love you guys. Go Cowboys!”?

  4. Go Andrea, it is nice to sobriety in the comments section.

    Pity we have to entertain trolls, who have to look in Peru to find news stories to support a non-sequitor.

  5. Hey jack lee, feel free to rest a while because we know it will be tiring carrying around your A$$ that Andrea just handed you.

  6. Personally I hope he lights up in the Oval Office while addressing the Nation.

    We are rapidly becoming a small and silly people.

  7. Fish is good for you!

    Really, the fact that Obama openly smoked was one of the few things I admired about him. Believe it or not, there are more important things in life than joylessly squeezing every little pleasure out of it just so you can live a little longer. Yeah, I know, smoking is unhealthy, it’s better to be able to breathe than to choke up brown phlegm every morning (I didn’t need an alarm clock when I was a kid, I had my father doing his morning smoker’s cough at 5:30AM), cigarette smoke smells nasty, etc. But having a minor vice like smoking made him more human instead of the shiny tinsel god his followers seem to think he is.

  8. So, is it you approve of Bush Drinking, because it makes you
    think he’s a good guy to have a beer with?

    My concern is that he’s an alcoholic, and, given the various
    financial crises ongoing, we should have some sober leadership.

    I’ll never understand the people who thought Alcoholism was
    not a disqualifying factor in electing Bush.

  9. I’ll never understand the people who thought Alcoholism was not a disqualifying factor in electing Bush.

    And we’ll never understand demented BDS sufferers who will believe anything that they can find about George Bush on the Internet, as long as it’s bad.

  10. I was much more worried about Bush’s ties with the Royal Family of Britain. Did you know that they are really members of a race of reptilian beings who secretly rule the world via the Zionist Council of Elders?

    It’s true! I read it on the internet.

  11. I’ll never understand the people who thought being close friends with a domestic terrorist was not a disqualifying factor in electing Obama.

    I’ll never understand the people who thought sexually harassing women who worked under him (heh) was not a disqualifying factor in electing Clinton.

    I’ll never understand the people who thought being a sanctimonious dolt was not a disqualifying factor in electing Carter.

    I could play this game all night.

  12. Jack, I think Andrea’s position is standing over your twitching moaning body with a two-by-four, asking if you’d like another clue.

    Would you? I hope so. This is fun to watch.

  13. As a former pack-a-day smoker who quit with the patch, I disagree with Habitat Hermit about avoiding it.

    OTOH everyone I know who tried to quit via the gum wound up smoking AND chewing the gum, so not only did it not help, it made things worse.

  14. “I’ll never understand the people who thought being close friends with a domestic terrorist was not a disqualifying factor in electing Obama.”

    It’s worse than that. Obama chaired the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which funded school programs implemented in many Chi-town public schools. Some of those programs were drafted by CAC, others by outside organizations. Bill Ayers was in charge of the department that drafted CAC’s educational programs. It is a conflict of interest for a terrorist to participate in a government contract, especially in a key leadership role.

  15. That is not debate.

    True — but your original comment was an attempt to distract from the topic, so responding with “debate” wouldn’t be apt in any case.

  16. The debate that Andrea punk’d jack lee is over.

    The new question is if jack lee has the ability to recognize his own short comings.

    As for the original debate that Rand started, I think the question is no longer how hard it will be to quit with the stress of the White House and normal addiction to cigarettes. The question is how do you stop when part of the political machine that got you to the Presidency is starting to get indicted and supeonas. Personally, I’m hoping O had the class to be part of the tipoff to the feds that started the investigation.

  17. “I’ll never understand the people who thought Alcoholism was not a disqualifying factor in electing Bush.

    And we’ll never understand demented BDS sufferers who will believe anything that they can find about George Bush on the Internet”

    The Subject of Bush’s Alcohol abuse has been written about
    in numerous venues.

    I believe George Bush is an Alcoholic, and that he continues to
    drink, and has all the issues related to being an alcoholic.

    It’s sad so few republicans can admit that

  18. I believe George Bush is an Alcoholic, and that he continues to drink, and has all the issues related to being an alcoholic.

    And we believe that you’re a BDS-suffering loon, with more data for our belief that you have for yours, though admittedly, there are no National Enquirer articles about your looniness.

    It’s sad so few republicans can admit that

    Not that I’m a Republican, but why should anyone “admit” nonsense?

  19. “Not that I’m a Republican, but why should anyone “admit” nonsense?”

    During the 2000 presidential campaign, Bush said that he gave up drinking after waking up with a hangover after his 40th birthday celebration:

  20. Poor Jack Lee with his stale mutterings seems terrified that Bush is leaving.

    US Whiners Cooperated is undergoing a devastating split; will the future “Jack’s” choose PDS or ODS or both? No matter which it’s a “divide & conquer” loss compared to the glory days of Bush bashing and somewhere deep down Jack Lee understands it ^_^

  21. Leland, how exactly did the Machine get Obama to the presidency.

    Obama got to the state senate on his own. His race for the US Senate was aided by four factors: 1) A Republican senator deciding to not seek re-election, 2) The late Senator Paul Simon’s daughter blessing him (and Paul Simon was as far from the Chicago machine as you can get in Illinois, and he would have endorsed Obama), 3) the Republican Chicago Tribune calling for his Republican opponent’s messy divorce settlement to be opened, and 4) by the Illinois Republican party self-destructing picking Alan Keyes (HA!) among other ways it self-destructed (pay-to-play as bad as the Dems, kids killed in a drivers license for bribe scandal by the Republican governor that led to his jailing).
    Obama’s presidential run was kick-started by Senator Kerry picking him for the keynote address at the 2004 convention. There is more to the story (Blair Hull was a piece of work too) but you just won’t find the Chicago Machine “getting Obama to the presidency”. It sounds like you’re just prejudiced by geography. Are you?

  22. Bob,

    One of the complaints is Blagojevich trying to manipulate the Chicago Tribune editorial staff by getting people fired, yet you use the Chicago Tribune as an example to suggest the Chicago Machine didn’t do anything? LOL

    Thanks for making my point.

  23. As far as I can understand it, the whole “they’re all protecting Obama” meme is founded on the idea that the Chicago Tribune is somehow in cahoots with the Chicago Machine and/or Blago. But there is no evidence of this at all! On the contrary: not only is the Chicago Tribune a force for decency in this city, but it, obviously, is an enemy of both Blago and the machine. Yes, Blagojevich approached the Tribune (the Tribune changed ownership recently, so perhaps he thought, to the extent he thinks, that it was worth a shot) about getting them to lay off criticism of him. They refused. I don’t see how how this makes your point at all. The only ones the Trib was, temporarily, in cahoots with was the FBI.

  24. Bob,

    I’m finding it difficult to find a coherent argument from you.
    You keep jumping timelines between Presidency and Obama’s first Senatorial run. I was referring to Presidency.

    Then you keep this subjective argument that the Chicago Tribune is Republican, and “a force for decency”, and “an enemy of Blago and the machine”. Sounds like this is a pretty activist newspaper, if what you say is true.

    Tell me, if the Chicago Tribune believes in limited government and the integrity of government and private institutions: Why does the Chicago Tribune take government money that the Governor thought he could hold over their heads?

  25. Bob,

    I should also note that after you done flogging the Chicago Tribune, perhaps you can then tell us all about Rezko. The guy that according to the criminal complaint against Blagojevich:

    “Rezko was a principal fundraiser for ROD BLAGOJEVICH.” (page 10)

    This would be about 2000-2002 timeframe. Then from the Chicago Sun Times (I don’t know you subjective opinion of them, perhaps they are the enemy of Rezko and Obama based on this piece. Maybe they are also the Republican newspaper like the Tribune in a very Democrat controlled city), we learn:

    “Rezko was among the people Obama appointed to serve on his U.S. Senate campaign finance committee, the Sun-Times reported in 2003. The committee raised more than $14 million, according to Federal Election Commission records, helping send Obama to Washington in 2004.

    As a U.S. senator, Obama grew closer to Rezko.”

    So now that I have tied Rezko as a fundraising machine to Blagojevich and a pretty damn good fundraising machine for Obama during the next election cycle. Perhaps you can tell us again how Obama got to the Senate on his own.

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