5 thoughts on “A Misdiagnosis”

  1. I think what he wanted wasn’t just any woman, but one over whose operating system and software he could actually exert some control.

    So, she’s probably running Linux. If it’s Windows he’s in serious trouble.

  2. Hmm…


    Jude Law’s character here…


    And on at least one occasion Commander Data has noted that he is, um, knowledgeable in all techniques.

    I’m way past being suprised. Such things are just inevitable as the technology advances. (Though, as in ‘Requiem,’ would a techn ological entity advanced enough to be a worthwhile partner, also be advanced enough to have its own will and agenda? As opposed to a more limited and specialized entity like Aiko and Cherry 2000?)

    Someone on the Sun page thought she looked like a child. I don’t, but it’s disturbing to think that one *could* ultimately do that, and all that it implies for a certain segment of the population…

  3. Well, she’s a manufactured girlfriend woman created by a guy in Japan, so she’d have that waif thing going even if she was supposed to be 30.

  4. The visual and audio recognition aspects of this are cool. (I wonder how well it does with faces.) But until he can make it walk it really won’t be much more than an adult Tickle Me Elmo.

    The ability to walk and perform other physical tasks are what is required to achieve the Sci-Fi vision of a truly anthropomorphic robot, one that can act as a maid or a nurse, for example. Given how long it took for engineers to make robots walk well on six legs, I suspect this could be a really tough problem. Lucky for him, making it lie on its back isn’t nearly so hard.

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