5 thoughts on “The Geese Have Come Home…To Roost”

  1. Believe or not there are actually folks who would believe this – the Gaia/Morphic Resonance crowd. And there are others who will insist the whole thing was probably engineered by pro-chicken “Zionists”.

  2. Structural poverty. Until we strike at the root of the problem, no bandaids, no attempts to promote so-called ‘peaceful Gooslam’, will help.

    We need to genetically engineer large goose brains and hands immediately. The resulting hybrid should be flightless . . . and therefore easier to hunt.

  3. I have geese here on my property. I have watched them raise their young, and have lived in peace with them for many years. This horrible act taken by terrorist Gooslam militant minority must be taken in context. I have sent an envoy to the pond and hope to begin a dialogue soon. However I frankly fear for the safety of my family and neighbors. Only honest dialogue, in which I plan to take full responsibility for the oppression our government has visited upon these poor creatures, has any hope of stopping the escalation of these attacks. Wish me, no all of us luck.

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