Why We Should Support Israel

Armed Liberal explains:

As I never tire of reminding people, the disparity in power between Israel and the Palestinian proto-states (and the entire Arab world) is immense, driven in large part by the cultural gap between the westernized Israelis and the balance of the Middle East.

I’m no expert, but I have to believe that the day Israel gets tired of this stalemate and simply starts playing by Hama rules, it will be a matter of days before there simply are no more Palestinian people.

And here’s the problem – the same problem I’ve worried about since 2001. How do we prevent this from seeming like a good idea?

Well, the strongest way is for Israel to know that it’s not alone.

And we’re doing a worse and worse job of that.

I also think that Joe Katzman’s comment about the Juan Coles of the world is spot on:

You assume that the hatred of people like Juan Cole is rational.

If Israel falls, and million of Jews are murdered, Cole and his ilk will just smirk and enjoy the victory their Islamist friends have won.

If Israel wipes out the Palestinians, it serves as full justification to them for all the loony things they blieve about Western Civilization (and the Jews), and in their minds they were the “heroes” who tired to stop it. On some level, I suspect they may desire this; it fits their ideological fantasies too well. The fact that [they] would have done a fair [b]it to cause the situation will not, of course, be allowed to enter their minds.

So, their position is one in which nothing of theirs is held at risk, and either way they “win.”

Logic is not relevant to any of this. Only the hate that animates them.

And there are far too many of them, particularly in Europe.

4 thoughts on “Why We Should Support Israel”

  1. I’m no expert, but I have to believe that the day Israel gets tired of this stalemate and simply starts playing by Hama rules, it will be a matter of days before there simply are no more Palestinian people … How do we prevent this from seeming like a good idea?

    Isn’t that a bit like asking “How do we stop people from realizing that Global Warming is a fraud?” or “How do we stop people from realizing that Citibank is bankrupt and its stock worthless?”. I always prefer transparency and letting people come to their own conclusions, even if it leads to ugliness. Denying reality only leads to more ugliness.

    The Islamists seek corrupt ends using corrupt means. There is nothing good in them. Some people the world is just better off without. We have no compunction about locking up or killing off our murderers here in the USA; why should we hesitate merely because there’s thousands of them in one particular place that speak a particular language?

  2. Well written and I don’t disagree with the thinking and points made per se (and they’re important points and arguments no matter what) but is it just me or has the protests been smaller (although more extreme) than usual in Europe? I think an overwhelming majority couldn’t care less (or possibly even support Israel) and most of those who do protest do it merely for social convenience and/or as a non-informed bleeding heart “think of the children” “moral” alibi.

    It’s a fair bet most pro-Israel people aren’t the kind that demonstrate (I know I’m not) yet there has actually been pro-Israel demonstrations going on. Things have changed in my opinion and Islamic fascism is doing poorly even as just about every part of the media is continually and perhaps somewhat desperately trying to support them (at least it seems that way). Or maybe that’s why?

    I guess all I’m saying is don’t buy into the media portrayal of who has the most support.

  3. yup. I agree with habitat hermit who ever controls the media controls the war.
    I think so far the media has been misleading and bias as even as thousands of innocent people a being killed the people who does the killing are still potrayed as the victim
    existence of people who supports mass murders is just an evident that the media is not truly reporting the atrocities but instead are bias to one side

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