2 thoughts on “A Herd, Not A Pack”

  1. ..But the one says we must trust in the wisemen in Washington. Isn’t it disloyal to demand our rights?

    …Or did I forget to take my meds today?


  2. The problem, or at least one problem, is that it’s all well and good to decide you don’t want to be a sheep any more, but the moment any lone individual steps outside the proscribed boundaries, they’re ruthlessly and efficiently cut down. From this perspective, it’s rational to go along with the crowd, unless you happen to enjoy having your life ruined. (Or, you might value your freedom above that of your own comfort–but even if you do, in most cases that I can think of, trying to play the hero will just get you cut down without any meaningful change in the system.)

    Not that this is a brilliant new insight–but it underscores the difficulty. Until and unless there are a large enough number of people that it becomes impossible to individually bring them in line, we’re going to continue down our path. I think things will need to get a lot worse than they are now before people start to demand change en masse.

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