Now What Is Google Doing?

An emailer points out that a search for “Rand Simberg” in Google results in a malware warning for every single site associated with my name. However, it’s hard to take it personally, because apparently it is doing it with all searches (at least the few that I tried). Google has apparently decided that every site on the Internet is dangerous to your computer. I wonder if they have a new algorithm that’s screwed up?

[Update a few minutes later]

Whatever it was, they seem to have fixed it. I still have tab open with the problem showing, though. I guess I should take a screenshot.

[Early evening update]

For anyone curious, I didn’t do a screengrab, but here’s a sourcegrab from a typical search result this morning. A screengrab would be redundant at this point, since I could easily fake one from the source if I wanted to take the trouble to hack the HTML. But I didn’t. It’s the real deal.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Heh. I hadn’t noticed this the first time I looked. The only site that it doesn’t think will harm your computer is

[Monday afternoon update]

Here’s the story on what happened with Google.


3 thoughts on “Now What Is Google Doing?”

  1. About time they actually warned people the internet was dangerous. I’ve had to provide tech support to far to many people who didn’t understand that.

  2. As Former Employee, I Think It A Good Idea, But Once All Computers Are Connecting To Google Servers, The Site Will Be Less Dangerous, Because All Your Important Files Will Be Safe With Google..Hahah

    guruonduty / baristaonduty

  3. I saw that this morning. It still showed the URL so all one had to do was cut-past and you’re in business.

    ( But it was amusing that I was searching for the CIA Fact Book at the time.)

    Fixed now. I’ll be someone’s face is burning at Google.

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