What We Can Learn About The World

from Hollywood:

  • Apple, Inc. supplies well over 98% of computers in the USA.
  • All good cops are tormented creatures in one way or another. 90% plus are divorced but have amazing relationships with their kids, usually teenagers.
  • “Religious types”, regardless of religion, are one step away from acting out violently, and usually do! Christians seem the most hair-triggered in this regard. Also, abject fear drives 100% of a “religious types” decision making process.

There are more, and a lot of good comments.

8 thoughts on “What We Can Learn About The World”

  1. I live in Britain where the government doesn’t let us have guns (and considering what we think about them that’s not surprising), but Hollywood has taught me all I need to know about how to handle a firearm:

    1) The most accurate way to fire a gun is from the hip, on full automatic

    2) Guns never run out of ammunition except at moments of dramatic tension

    3) Cars and trashcans provide complete protection from incoming fire if you crouch behind them, despite having only thin metal skins

    4) If you have a clear shot at the bad guy you must always stop to deliver a one-liner before firing (don’t worry, he’ll wait for you to finish before reacting)

    5) Good guys only ever get flesh wounds

    So if some crazed jihadi opens fire in my local shopping mall I’ll know that there’s nothing to worry about, except the fact that I won’t have a gun.

  2. I’ll never forget the TV show I saw recently where the good guys are being shot at, and duck behind a couch. Bullet holes appear in the upholstery sheltering our heroes but somehow mkanage never to penetrate a piece of furniture that consists almost entirely of a hollow wooden frame stuffed with foam rubber padding.

    Unless that particular couch was produced by the only company in the world that puts a kevlar lining in the slip covers, that is…

  3. Here’s one:

    People “grow” by embracing asinine left wing platitudes or acting like more like an adolescent.

    E.g., Bulworth or American Beauty

  4. McGehee, maybe the bullets did penetrate, but so what?

    Concealment is almost as good as cover. It doesn’t matter how good the penetration of the bullet is, if it doesn’t hit you in the first place.

  5. ‘“Religious types”, regardless of religion, are one step away from acting out violently, and usually do! Christians seem the most hair-triggered in this regard.’

    Oooooh! It so true it just steams me! Those no good atheistic screenwriters, producers, etc.! It just about drives me… drives me…

    ***destroys computer in a fit of rage, goes on to mistreat children and kick puppy dogs***

  6. It doesn’t matter how good the penetration of the bullet is, if it doesn’t hit you in the first place.

    Did I forget to mention many of the bullet holes were directly opposite where the viewer knew the good guys to be hiding?

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