Can I Be Tortured Please?

This is apparently some new definition of the word “torture,” with which I was previously unfamiliar:

His lawyer, Ejaz Naqvi, has filed legal papers with Mumbai magistrate’s court, claiming the “white woman” removed all his clothes and showed him pornographic films.

Well, it could have been worse. She might have actually made physical contact with his and her privates. That would have been entirely in violation of the Geneva Conventions.

Anyway, what with all the hope and change in the air, I’m sure that this barbaric practice will come to a quick end. Right after there is no more rendition or holding prisoners indefinitely…

6 thoughts on “Can I Be Tortured Please?”

  1. You may be imagining more pleasant films than were actually shown. Try to imagine whatever kind of sexual activity would make you want to barf if you had to see it… …when you ask to be tortured, be careful what you wish for!

  2. For example, there is a very funny series of videos (featured on awhile back) which showed only the faces of people who were shown “Two Girls And A Cup” when they weren’t expecting it. My wife absolutely refused to watch the “Two Girls..” video, but got a laugh out of watching the reaction videos — it turns out that watching people get grossed out can be kind of funny. After watching the reaction videos, I tentatively started watching the cup video, and then realized I made a mistake! It wasn’t torture, but

  3. Hey Rand, it looks like Bob tried to torture his wife, and indeed tortured himself. Shouldn’t he be punished for violating the Geneva Convention? Oh my, he even tortures himself with his imagination. Oh the humanity (or lack there of).

  4. Weren’t there reports of 9-11 hijackers “taking one for the team” by attending strip clubs so they would “fit in” as Middle Eastern dudes having a thing for Western women?

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