Weight-Loss Drugs

The current state of play.

[Update a while later]

Here’s an interesting article on progress in anti-aging. I found this part particularly interesting:

The study will also give more confidence to people who are trying to extend their lives by severely restricting their food intake. Such extreme dieting, popularized by the late Roy Walford, has grown into a movement.

“I’m not going to get on the diet-restriction bandwagon,” Morimoto said. “But a little less consumption would be good for us. If you fast for 12 hours, that’s enough to send the right signals to your system.”

I sometimes do go a while without eating. I often skip breakfast, and since I (literally) don’t break my fast, I can end up going twelve hours or more. It’s nice to know that it could be good for me. It also indicates that breakfast may not be the most important meal of the day, and could in fact be harmful. In any event, it’s harder for people who are susceptible to blood-sugar swings to do this.

One thought on “Weight-Loss Drugs”

  1. Just thinking out loud here…

    What about those who say that the human brain’s low levels of activity (+/- 4%) are attributed to the fact that the body throttles back on the brain in anticipation of starvation? Surely there is a balance to be struck between the protein-repairing benefits of cutting back on calories and the caloric needs of the brain and body?

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