10 thoughts on “Racial Cowards”

  1. I guess. Too bad racial & even political considerations played a role, because for me, it was when Burris and his lawyers pointed out the relationship of Marbury vs Madison to this case that I changed my mind and decided the Senate should seat Burris. Someone else might disagree on the relevance of that case, but I’m sad that this isn’t strictly a question of interpreting the Constitution, as this sort of thing is exactly what the Constitution is for.

  2. You imagined that political considerations would play no role in replacing US Senator? How would they not?

    But it doesn’t seem like it’s too much to ask that racial considerations play no role, but apparently it is, when it comes to the Democrats — perennial players of the race card.

  3. I agree Bob. I thought this was a simple issue in terms of what the Constitution says. Like him or not, Burris was appointed by Blagojevich, who had the lawful authority granted by the legislature of Illinois. There was no question in my mind that Burris should have been seated. And then, if there was a question of his duplicity in regards to Blagojevich, then the Senate should have voted to expel him.

    Apparently, for at least one Democrat, it was a racial question and had little to do with the US Constitution.

  4. Racial considerations my ass. The donks seated Burris so they’d have one more vote for Stimulosaurus in the Senate. Now they don’t need him, they want him gone so they can get someone more to Rahm Emanuel’s liking in there.

    And, of course, they’ll say anything at all to advance that goal. Why anyone should think there is any correlation between what Dick Durbin says and any actual facts is beyond me. He’s a politician. A Democratic politician. A Democratic politician from Illinois. By itself that means he’s so crooked he needs to screw his pants on every morning, before we even consider the murky depths of his own particular combination of antisocial personality and raw naked ambition.

  5. Can’t, LB. There’s some kind of obscenity filter in place.

    Seriously, I used to live in Chicago, and for the most part these people (Chicago pols) should be taken out and shot. Think Upton Sinclair and The Jungle, only instead of meatpacking plants it’s politics.

    When I was there, a guy ran for alderman from prison as an open gang member, because, he argued, so many young people on the South Side were gang members they deserved their own representation. He was serious, and was taken seriously.

    I would favor some kind of equivalent of the Fourteenth Amendment, disqualifying from nationwide office anyone who’d ever been successfully elected to Chicago or Illinois statewide office. Even if I still lived in Illinois. Drain the swamp!

  6. Carl, I agree, and I’d include New York state as well. Even our local town board seems to be corrupt, not to mention “The City” (center of the universe!).

    What is it that breeds such corrupt politicians? Air? Water? Too many people in too small an area? The honest ones don’t want to run? Probably just human nature. . .and the results of enclosure and lack of frontiers.

    We really need to start moving off the planet.

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