5 thoughts on “The Neocons At Human Rights Watch”

  1. The free world is doomed. It’s like a train wreck, you know it’s bad but you can’t take your eyes off of it. I think Obama and Clinton will do more damage to our ability to function on the world stage in less than a year than Bush is perceived to have done in 8. Freeman isn’t the only scary one. Power is still around. Rice will roll over at the UN. I wish it was naivete that makes them think the way they do. Instead, they think they are smarter than everyone else and that everything is negotiable. Obama’s ill treatment of Brown and his wife is just a portent of things to come.

  2. I think Obama and Clinton will do more damage to our ability to function on the world stage in less than a year than Bush is perceived to have done in 8.

    And the Obamastream Media will still portray Teh O!ne’s presidency as a worldwide tsunami of unicorns, rainbows and lollipops.

  3. Bill – it’s more like a train wreck, but you know that all the signals are out there is another train coming down the line whose brake lines have been cut.

    While it has been nice to have this contrast to compare bad to worse, I still can’t see why anyone would consider neoconservative politics anything better than a lesser evil. I still believe that if Bush and the Republican majority had showed the kind of fiscal restraint they showed during the Clinton years, not only would we be out of this recession already; we would also have a Republican president (and probably not a RINO like McCain).

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