A Strange Conference

Over at Arocket, Randall Clague (of XCOR) notes how weird you have to be to stand out at Space Access:

A colleague went to pick up Ed Wright’s hat off the table, Ed intoned, “Objects at rest shall remain at rest.” XCOR got its first investment check after firing a rocket engine inside a crowded ballroom – at Space Access – with the written permission of the Scottsdale Fire Marshal. “Laser physicist and arm-waver extraordinaire” Jordin Kare has been known to sing of a sadistic designer and the machinists he tortures with his impossible designs. (One design was a hollow sphere, to be machined. One person wondered, “Would you need a six-dimensional lathe for that, or could you do it it in four?” Someone else answered, “You could do it in four. You only need one additional degree of freedom.”) ERPS used to give demonstrations of hydrogen peroxide decomposition – during their Space Access presentation – until they got an ashtray too hot and scorched the tablecloth.

It’s the best conference in the industry.

It’s coming up in only three weeks.

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