Another Neocon Weighs In On Freeman

You know, that famous neocon Lanny Davis:

Mr. Freeman’s departing rant explaining his withdrawal, in which did not take any responsibility and obscured the facts about his own actual writings, and made dark and false charges of a conspiracy of nameless people who “libeled” him — again without a single factual example — was ironically the best evidence of all as to why, temperamentally and intellectually, he was not qualified for this particular job of objectively assessing crucial national intelligence facts.

Surely I’m not the only person to be disturbed that this man was nominated in the first place.

One thought on “Another Neocon Weighs In On Freeman”

  1. Yep, good thing the ‘adults’ are now in charge, isn’t it?

    As bad as things will get under Obama, nevertheless I am confident the nation will survive. The only question is, just how bad will things get? What’s the bottom?

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