A Great Weekend Coming Up

Today (the second Friday the 13th in a row) is Iowahawk Day. And tomorrow is Steak and BJ Day (Valentine’s Day for men). And unlike Valentine’s Day, it doesn’t require much in the way of planning or dinner reservations. What’s not to like?

[Update a few minutes later]

It gets better and better. In addition to Steak and BJ Day, tomorrow is Pi Day as well. So have a slice with your steak. And BJ.

3 thoughts on “A Great Weekend Coming Up”

  1. I suppose lip balm manufacturers could capitalize on Steak and BJ day. Some chapstick as a small token of a man’s appreciation to his woman.

    Cause well, both parties are supposed to provide a gift, right?

  2. Idiots. Valentine’s Day is steak & BJ day. If it isn’t, you’re doing it wrong.

    Step 1) Buy flowers, take her out to dinner (get steak).
    Step 2) ???
    Step 3) Profit! (aka, BJ)

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