The Uninvited

I’m thinking that along about now Ezra Klein is wishing that he had invited Mickey:

We non-elite writers learn something just from watching the sausage get made. One thing we learn is it’s just sausage. Ezra Klein has taken a lot of what could be highly informative back and forth on the World Wide Web and privatized it, much as rich people in gated communities reclaim green space from the public sphere and wall it off behind guards and fences. It’s not an egalitarian or democratic impulse.

I for one, am unshocked. These folks have a much higher opinion of their democratic impulses than is justified by their actual behavior.

[Update a couple minutes later]

An Instapundit emailer has an amusing suggestion:

Funny, isn’t it, how during the Bush Administration, the New York Times and the “mainstream” news organizations spilled national security secrets on a whim, but Journolist is a sacrosanct temple of secrets. The CIA should run all secret programs from within a “tea party” protest, it will guarantee a media blackout.

And note, we’re discussing all this stuff, making the sausage, in public.