7 thoughts on “A Political Shocker”

  1. In his case, I would vote for an out-and-out Communist before I’d vote for this two faced weasel.

  2. Uh…personally I ain’t holding my breath until Specter votes, acts or sounds like Republican.

  3. I did not see the satire tag (I almost never do read the tags though). Whoops.

    Well, I’m glad my ability to decipher satire works at least.

  4. Twoomey wants to primary him. I suspect it will
    be much like the 2006 Connecticut senate primary.
    The GOP party base is going to hate specter as much
    as the CT Dem base hated Lieberman.

    The kicker will be if Obama gives Specter a deep tongue
    kiss during the State of the union.

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