More Popular Than Science

Can anyone figure out how this story about the Falcon 9 justifies its headline?

What is the “crucial step”? When did it occur? All the story says is that the vehicle has been sitting on the pad since January which, at the end of March, hardly seems like hard, breaking news.

I’m also amused that PopSci accepts the characterization of the vehicle as “reusable.” While I hope that they can ultimately achieve that goal, that’s all it is, as I understand it. It’s not a current design feature.

4 thoughts on “More Popular Than Science”

  1. It’s a puff piece; probably written by someone in SpaceX PR and given whole to the author to publish.

    It’s purpose is just to keep SpaceX and Falcon 9 on peoples minds. Otherwise know as advertising you don’t have to pay for. My old boss used to do the same thing in his industry rags.

  2. No kidding. It doesn’t even have a real second stage on top. I guess it still beats the paint shaker though.

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