
When I heard about the effusive response from the military to the president’s visit to Iraq, I was dubious about it. It didn’t make much sense, given the polling of them last fall. So is this why there was so much support among the military?

“We were pre-screened, asked by officials “Who voted for Obama?”, and then those who raised their hands were shuffled to the front of the receiving line. They even handed out digital cameras and asked them to hold them up.”

Take a look at the picture at AP and notice all the cameras are the same models? Coincidence? I think not.

Can you imagine the howls of outrage from the left and the press if the Bush administration had pulled something like this?

23 thoughts on “Staged?”

  1. Yes. Heck, I can remember the howls of outrage when then-President Bush didn’t pull something like this.

    USS Kitty Hawk, 2003, comes to mind.

  2. USS Kitty Hawk, 2003, comes to mind.

    He selected sailors who had voted for him to stand at the front of the receiving line aboard Kitty Hawk and handed out digital cameras?

  3. I was in the Marine Corps during the Clinton years, and he made it to my duty station twice, I managed to NOT make it to his speech twice, I did duty once, and then I took “reciever” duty the second. I hated Clinton,and there is no way in hell I would give him a photo op.

    I would never say “I hate Clinton” cuz that is kinda. . .like . . .well, against the law, but I hated clinton, and I would NEVER give him one second of recognition.

    Something these ass pirate reporters don’t get is that the millitary does this thing called “FOLLOWING ORDERS!!!!”

    Thats why the mil was there, and even though obama is a piece of crap, he is their CinC, and one thing the military is very good at is FOLLOWING ORDERS!!!

    Don’t try to judge this man based on claps from a selected audience, judge him on enlistment rates.

    We had about 130% enlistment rates, with near perfect retention rates under bush, lets see who will follow obama.

  4. When BOHICA was over there, the ONLY people I saw interviewed were black, female, Soldiers and Marines.

    Not exactly a confirmed voting block, but…

  5. MG I was in, I did floats and I volunteered for every training exercise.

    I was Marine, I mean MARINE I was so Marine, I rated all caps, so I know of which I speak, Obama is a pussy, he is a nothing, there is nothing about him, that would give him a commission, let alone a clearence (I also had a top secret clearence, so unlike our president, I know a bit more about this stuff than he does)

    I was trained, I was deployed, and I was held accountable, so much so that I landed in the brigg for a bit, but I never hated America as much as our presidents wife.

    This is the worst president ever, and I’m not a crazy neo-con, I’m squishy moderate.

    so I have a few words for you.

    Tongue my junk.

  6. I forget who said it but “we give the TOP job to someone who wouldn’t rate military service.”

    And that is true, Obama would NOT be allowed in the military because he could never hold a security clearence.

    This is the MOST unqualified president in all US history.

  7. and another thing “USS Kittyhawk 2003” has been sitting in my been.

    I think the kittyhawk is EASTERN theater, and dedicated to support missions, I don’t think the kittyhawk ever saw service in the gulf.

    I might be wrong, but really I think you are an idiot.

  8. random thing, I’m actually rather intimately familiar with the kittyhawk, I joined the Marines in ’95, and we used to do “work” on the kittyhawk while she was being re-done.

    Basically I spent about a month being the navy’s bitch, “carry this,” “Move this” “lift this”

    and I did, I wasn’t there when she finished here re-fab, but I was there, and I knew here quite well.

    The kitty would “purr” ass we said, us Marines, and she loved us I think.

    So I know that girl quite well.

    Kitty JUST came in for overhaul when I graduated from boot, and I made a point of taking my mom, in ’95 to visit the kitty, and mom, who is not just a Marine mom, but also a Marine wife, and she was stunned at the sight of the kitty, (I couldn’t take her on, but I could take her to the dock) while the kitty was going through the re-work.

    I know the kitty quite well, she’s an old friend to me, and I’m quite confident that MG is full of shit.l

  9. I think that many (every?) are misreading MG’s comment. He wrote:

    I can remember the howls of outrage when then-President Bush didn’t pull something like this.

  10. If the military wants these sorts of presidential visits, and they want to stay out of politics, they pretty much have to make sure that any president is greeted as warmly as any other.

  11. WickedPinto,

    My apologies. Though the USS Kitty Hawk did participate in the 2003 hostilities, the event to which I referred was aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln.

    The news coverage and manufactured outrage over the “Mission Accomplished” banner was in response to an event that didn’t occur — that the President had declared our work in Iraq completed. His actual speech said the exact opposite.

    And, though ’tis none of your business, I would never tongue the junk of anyone who referred so disrespectfully to the source of humanity’s future.

    You must have been some MARINE, to do the whole “ready, fire, aim” business. Frankly, I expect better of a Marine.

    You weren’t by any chance one of those “for the good of the service” administrative dischargees, were you?

    Hmm. “Junk” tastes like chicken — really spoiled chicken. I mean, it tastes really fowl.


  12. Yeah, sorry, I have a specific attitude, and I applied it incorrectly, sorry MG, and sorry rand.

  13. No MG I was a significant Marine, and your response to my offense was effing HIGH LARIOUS!!!

    Marines are crude, we speak in a way that allows no argument, but for me it was a long time ago, and I apologize for my offense, I hope you forgive me, and as rand said, I misread your comment and I made an ass of myself, and I hope you forgive me.

    rest well MG.

  14. MG I was a dick to YOU, but my service is my service, so in THAT case, you should watch your mouth.

    But I was a complete jerky in how I treated you, and I’m very sorry about that.

  15. really MG I’m sorry, especially for the “idiot” thing, I’ve been pissed off for a few days, and I took it out on you.

  16. Wickedpinto,

    I know about Marines. I have enough service time to recognize the cut of cloth from which a Marine is made. The toughest tribe in Iraq has been the Al-Ameriki of Anbar.

    No offense taken.

    And your junk is still fowl.

  17. The real truth of how the military likes Obama
    will show up at the next election. Certainly
    they didn’t care much for “Bomb, Bomb Iran”

    And if anyone in the service has a major malfunction
    with their CinC, i encourage them to apply for a
    consciences discharge.

    Service in the Military is a calling, if you can’t take
    the call, you owe it to everyone to get out.

  18. Jack, it isn’t Burger King!!!

    You don’t quit because of a new manager, and I have experience with this exact scenario, Jimmy Carter was my CinC. He sucked. And you would never get CO status based on who the CinC is. And if all the conservative, non-Democrat voters quit the military, who would replace them, college professors and community organizers? You’re so full of crap Jack…it’s smelling up my laptop table.

    Obama will be bad for the military, but Carter gives up the number one position ONLY because Obama will surpass him as a dolt.

    And are you saying the majority of military people voted for Obama, instead of McCain? I doubt that, but I’m willing to see your proof, as the military usually votes 80/20, the larger portion going Republican. There are damned few liberals in the military, especially since they did away with the draft!!

    And…what is that SMELL!

  19. As usual, Jack Lee proves once again he doesn’t know jack-shit.

    Jack, in the service we a saying:

    “If a whimp can’t hang, a whimp shouldn’t have came.”

    You certainly embody that at transterrestrial.

    Some people seem to see how much they can push Rand before he ban-hammers them.

    You are going there right now.

  20. There are times when I suspect that jack lee surely must be a reverse moby — a right-winger posting under false colors to give lefties an even worse reputation — because my reaction to his comments is almost invariably “C’mon, nobody could be that freakin’ stupid!”

    And then I look at the majority party in Congress, and I realize that my assessment is wrong …

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