They Won

So why is the left still angry? Glenn asks: “maybe it’s become a habit.”

“Become” a habit? It seems to me it’s an intrinsic feature of leftism, which is based on a permanent state of envy, class warfare and seeking “social justice” and “equality.” Which is why it is leftists (from Hitler to Stalin to Mao and Pol Pot) who have been responsible for hundreds of millions of violent deaths over the past century. You have to break the eggs to make the social-justice omelette through the collective will. It’s not individualists who do that kind of thing.

[Update late morning]

More evidence of lunacy on the left: hating Milton Friedman.

172 thoughts on “They Won”

  1. I swear, anyone who thinks Gagmewhataho is smart is mentally deficient and likely in the begining stages of psychosis.

  2. One more thing, to Paul Milenkovic:

    My sci-fi expert sister thinks this was one of the new Dr Who episodes, and that Dr Who is famous for such dry humor, as in having a full set of teeth identify human remains as American.

    No, that wasn’t an episode of the new Doctor Who, I can tell you that. (I’ve got them all on dvd or the dvr so I know.) The actor currently playing the Doctor has a good set of choppers and in fact it’s been made rather a point of the character to be proud of them. And the humor in the new series isn’t as dry as the old series was; it’s more flashy and “topical.” Anyway, the Scifi channel these days is apparently run by a woman who doesn’t like science fiction — just about everything that’s on during prime time these days seems to either be those stupid “real life” ghost hunter shows, wrestling, or really bad fantasy movies. The one they’ve been showing now over and over is something called “Knights of Bloodsteel.” It’s unwatchable. And in June they’re changing the name of the station to “Syfy,” which someone on some forum pointed out sounds like Polish for “syphilis.”

  3. “Are you serious? How many Jews or blacks do you think the Nazis would have let live for 44 years?”

    About as many as the Soviets let live among the Kulaks.

  4. About as many as the Soviets let live among the Kulaks.

    And your point is? “Kulak” is not a race, it is a hazily-defined economic class, and in practice it was “anyone the Soviets suspected of current or potential anti-Soviet leanings.”

  5. Andrea–It was an episode of BONES on Fox. Season 4, Episode 20, “Mayhem on a Cross“. (Hulu video link.) You don’t need to watch it past the lead-in. Norwegian forensics person says skeleton displayed at death-metal concert is definitely American because of the orthodonture. Not because it has all its teeth, but because of the dental techniques visible. Not an SF show at all, but as I said another ho-hum forensics show.

    Found in under twenty seconds with Google. Someone’s looking for the wrong set of geeks.

  6. I thought Bones was promising — it had quirky characters in a different way from the cookie cutter kewl CSI types — but it seems to have gone down the everyone’s-in-therapy path, and I lost interest after they turned one of my favorites of the nerds into a serial killer disciple.

  7. And your point is? “Kulak” is not a race, it is a hazily-defined economic class, and in practice it was “anyone the Soviets suspected of current or potential anti-Soviet leanings.”

    At one point, Kulak was hazily defined to mean Ukrainian. And frankly, given the nature of the USSR, I doubt anyone wanted anything to differentiate themselves from another. The fact that they kept track of ethnicity is pretty sinister.

  8. Speaking of Obama as a kind of “Mussolini’s Revenge,” I note that as part of the reurgence in the Cult of the State that our “Il Dufe” and his butt-boys in the MSM have spearheaded, FDR’s LOOKING FORWARD has been reprinted in a nice-looking trade paperback edition, with a foreword by Doris Kearns. The back cover has praise from some of today ‘s leading State-shtuppers, including Paul Krugman, who says something like (quote approximate) “Reagan is out, and everything FDR is new and back again.” It’s interesting that in Goldberg, in his LIBERAL FASCISM (which could now be subtitled, “A Guidebook for the Obama Years”), quotes Mussolini on the book. He not only liked it, but he said something like, “That wheelchair guy is obviously my kind of people.” I think it would have been amusing for the publishers to have used the Mussolini quote as one of the back-cover blurbs; maybe right under Krugman’s. Scenes We’d Like to See. . . .

  9. you people are seriously obsessed with communism, socialism, facism.

    english is my first language.

    I have a very good job, you do not deserve proof-reading.

    no wonder conservatives never see anything coming, no wonder a large portion of your voting block is still waiting for the rapture. What will you do when NOTHING Goldberg predicts comes to fruition?

    eventually you all will tire of your lame excuses on why nothing goes right for you.

    If conservatives are mentally superior, how did you all end up with McCain? How did you end up not seeing that the majority of people think your policies are lame. Why do 63% of Americans think that “Il Dufe” is a much more competent steward of the country than your republican pattern baldness? I may be a minority opinion here but you people need to pull your head out of your posteriors and smell the Kuna! They Won…ummm kay?

    I try to keep proper punctuation and grammar for actual work. Do not flatter thine self. I do appeciate those who engaged in adult debate. There are no absolutes with either side. I do not claim that liberals invented everything. But you all want to forget those that create and those that stiffle.
    You can have your Hitler discussions all day, but to say that socialism is worse than racism. Well that goes to show that too many are brainwashed.


  10. “Stiffle”? What is “stiffle”? Sounds kind of obscene to me.

    “Hey, you see that girl down the bar? Man, she totally stiffled me!”

  11. What an hilariously stupid rant.

    no wonder conservatives never see anything coming, no wonder a large portion of your voting block is still waiting for the rapture.

    Just for the record, neither I, or many of my readers are conservatives. That said, most conservatives that I know are not “waiting for the rapture.” I don’t even believe in God.

    What will you do when NOTHING Goldberg predicts comes to fruition?

    What is it you think that “Goldberg predicts”? You said you read his book, but I think you’re lying.

    If conservatives are mentally superior, how did you all end up with McCain?

    If you are mentally superior, why do you have trouble understanding that a) the Republican Party is not identically equal to conservatives and b) that it’s easy for a non-conservative to win a multi-candidate election with a minority (but plurality) of the total vote if the conservative vote is being split among several candidates. Or are words like “plurality” too big for you?

    [rest of idiocy elided, including the hilarious “peace” at the end]

  12. Manamongst Hussein,

    Thanks so much for the improved posting style. I can now understand your points. As I suspected, neither brilliant nor dim. I don’t think Swedish socialism is worse than racism. But Soviet socialism is mathematically worse, because it killed and oppressed more people. Here is the relationship:

    Swedish socialism < American racism < Nazi racism < Soviet socialism

    Tom DeGisi, aka Wince and Nod

  13. Wince and Nod,

    I find myself in agreement with your flow chart.


    I apologize for conflating the two; it is a bad habit of mine especially considering the flux in the republican party.

    I am not mentally superior to conservatives; though many of your conservative leaning posters do give the impression or clearly state that liberalism is inferior to conservatism, which depending on the torch bearers of each, leaves a lot to be desired on both parties.

    Unfortunately I did read Liberal Facism, his research was better than Coulter’s but that is not saying much. “Predictions” is not a helpful term, liberal patterns of behaviors are severely overblown. One example is the one mirrored on your post. Yes america’s liberals are from similar cloth of early 20th century progressives who in turn share some ideals of facists (both in many senses look to use the state to solve some of modern society’s problems).
    Many of Europes facist began as a socialist, not many started as liberals. The unfair part though is YES some American intellectuals flirted with facist ideas; and of course Jonah quotes them, but low and behold there is a lack of intellectual honesty in the mysterious void in any conservatives who also flirted with facism (yes i understand that the book is about liberals). And yes many facist party activities included social welfare policies, yet facist weren’t the first (or last) to try these. The only thing many of his links prove is that fascism contained elements that were in the mainstream of 20th-century politics. A fascist solution was not brokered compromise but forcibly knocking heads together. The Nazis did have a separate party, but alongside two paramilitaries, the SA and the SS, whose first mission was to attack and, if necessary, to kill socialists, communists and liberals.
    It is rather hard to find examples of this in American society, though that doesn’t stop Jonah from linking, rather flimsily, to Father Coughlin and Huey Long, who were tempted by elements of authoritarian populists actions. But this book is important for one simple reason, going back to wingnut welfare. There are extremely intelligent elements in conservatism that saw the current dead-end coming and this is their supposed counter-attack. It began as calling BO a socialist when that didn’t get the traction they needed scare them with facism. This is a joke to the millions killed under facism to call anything in this country even under our worst administration anything close to facism. It’s sad really. And would have expected a bit more of a tempered response and not 5th grade responses like “stupid” really?
    What’s the whole point of this ongoing facist meme? Do you realize that the people you are trying to give history lessons to pretty much get their objectivity somewhere between Reagan and “Red Dawn”. There’s nothing wrong with being ready for an out-come of such. But to apply any such fiction and/or past oppression to our current liberal populace is silly. Last month we were too soft on terror and evil to crush a grape. Now many of you fear for our country? And the gun issue, sorry it’s never gonna happen. Too many guns, and too much work and violence potentially associated. What’s wrong with being angry. I would hope conservatives are angry about more than taxes and a black man. Because they have their work cut out for them and it would be best to start coming up with real ideas to ignite a base, wherever it is.

  14. about the gun issue to clarify I mean they will NEVER be abolished. The aren’t ever going anywhere. Sorry for the ambiguity.

  15. Andrea, umm are you a tutor or something? Are you offering services, because if you were willing to write more than two sentences then maybe I might get a true sample of your prose.

    here’s a helpful hint, a little less analyzing writing, a bit more of your own opinions on the issues. I’m sure I’ve been writing longer than you’ve been having cycles. So if you could pull yourself away from stalking Elisabeth Hasselbeck long enough I’d love to hear that you have a constructive opinion on something, anything. But I understand that you felt the need to get your little snarky jab in, but please be quiet when grown folks are talking.

    Thanks Dear!

  16. Heh, you are an interesting critter, Manamongst. You can’t stop getting those little snarky jabs in. I did a quick count. 30 posts as of now. We don’t “deserve” any effort to make grammatically correct posts, but we do deserve 30 posts? And you were going to leave and let us wallow in our ignorance a couple of days ago. I guess you can’t stay away.

    As it looks to me, I see either anger or some other sort of compulsion to post and post. And a lot of bitterness. You keep speaking of the things the rest of us don’t “deserve”. Why?

    As I see it, the tea party movement started because we now have an “on budget” deficit as big in one year as in the previous already oversized seven years. Why shouldn’t people be upset over that?

    Despite the most solid win in a while (since Clinton beat Dole in 1996), there are a surprising number of bitter winners. I get the Republican side because they were the losers. What I don’t get is why you act like you had lost.

  17. “Andrea, umm are you a tutor or something?”

    Umm, no.

    “Are you offering services, because if you were willing to write more than two sentences then maybe I might get a true sample of your prose.”

    There’s this thing called a link in my name field — it goes to my blog. I write on that sometimes. I guess you could get a “true sample” of my prose (unlike what I suppose are the fake samples I’ve left here).

    “here’s a helpful hint, a little less analyzing writing, a bit more of your own opinions on the issues.”

    Here’s my helpful hint: words at the beginnings of sentences need to be capitalized. Also you need to write something that makes sense. (“[A] little less analyzing writing” — huh? Do you want me to do less analyzing or less writing?)

    “I’m sure I’ve been writing longer than you’ve been having cycles.”

    I rather doubt that.

    “So if you could pull yourself away from stalking Elisabeth Hasselbeck long enough”


    “[…] I’d love to hear that you have a constructive opinion on something, anything.”

    Asking for “constructive” anything is a liberal’s way of saying “tell me something I agree with.”

    “But I understand that you felt the need to get your little snarky jab in, but please be quiet when grown folks are talking.”

    That’s really pathetic, coming from someone who has been calling people on this site “idiots” and declaring that we aren’t worth taking the trouble to use correct grammar. The one who has not been acting like “grown folks” is you.

    “Thanks Dear!”

    A comma should follow the “thanks,” and “dear” should not be capitalized, as it’s not a name.

  18. “I’m sure I’ve been writing longer than you’ve been having cycles.”

    I missed this bit of rude garbage from Manamongst. I realize that most of us are more than a little abrasive here, mean ol’ Rand keeps changing pompous pseudonyms to something insulting, and that somewhere in the geek code, you are required to flip out when a suspected female is around. However, this insult crosses the line. Manamongst, you just aren’t grown up enough to hurl feces with the silverbacks. And that, I think, is saying quite a bit about your lack of maturity.

    Perhaps a ban would do you some good.

  19. My apologies, Rand. It does make you wonder what Manamongst’s problem is that he should call himself that. I’m guessing some combination of crazy and stupid myself.

    But it is interesting how some posters have chosen to confirm the stereotype even while posting numerous times. I can’t understand how Manamongst fails to see how counterproductive his many pointless posts have been. Or Jim insisting despite ample evidence to the contrary that the USSR is “less racist”, whatever that means, than the US. I took a look through my wallet. My driver’s license has my picture on it. But nowhere it have my ethnicity or religion.

    In comparison, in the USSR, the identification documents listed your ethnicity/religion. That alone is more racist at an institutional level than in the US. Further, the USSR commited genocide in the 30’s against the Ukrainians. Another example is the structure of the republics that made up the USSR. It’s interesting how one republic is much larger than the rest of them combined.

    It’s like rolling up something like 2/3rd or more of the population of the US into one state and splitting the rest including most of the minorities of the US between 15 or so states. The one state with the dominant ethnic group gets all the power, of course. The Eastern Bloc repeats the process, this time with the USSR being, by far, the largest country of the Bloc.

    Why doesn’t Jim get it? Or perhaps he does and silence is his way of dealing with being wrong. I can understand that.

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