5 thoughts on “Stopped Clock”

  1. The reasoning allows that the county fairgrounds could still be made a “gun free” zone however. The 2nd Amendment applies to the States, but what does it get you? The right to bear arms is meaningless if the State can rope off geography where you can’t.

    “The right to bear arms where you’re allowed to bear arms.”

    Real generous that.

  2. Before this ruling it wasn’t “the right to bear arms where you’re allowed to bear arms,” it was “the right to read an outdated, obsolete and invalid amendment to the Constitution that you erroneously claim gives you the right to bear arms but really doesn’t because we say it doesn’t, so there.”

    It’s not much compared to what it should be, but it’s one big freaking hell of an improvement.

  3. Please note that this is possibly the best outcome for 2nd amendment supporters if not for the Nordykes. Alameda county won the ability to restrict gunshows on county property on narrow technical and procedural grounds but the 2nd still got incorporated via the 14th. Since the county technically won, they can’t appeal the incorporation or request an en banc review of the ruling.

    the fine folks at CalGuns.net have vastly more informative (and informed) analysis and commentary than I can offer.

  4. This is big news, REAL big, maybe even as big as D.C. v Heller. Yet the MSM has yet to utter a peep.

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