An Amazing Admission

From Tom Friedman:

So to recap: the Bush team kept us safe from an implacable foe by using interrogation methods which the American public approved of and by fighting (often against the admonitions of Friedman and his colleagues) and largely prevailing in Iraq. The latter effort may deal a death blow to Al Qaeda which one supposes made it a very worthwhile endeavor. Well, yes, Friedman awards Obama the prize for “doing [his] best” in a war largely waged by his reviled predecessor – who is rarely praised for doing his best, but we get the point.

It must be some other George W. Bush who was the worst foreign policy president in history – because the 43rd president, by Friedman’s accounting, got some very big things right, despite ferocious odds. (One of President Bush’s librarians might want to clip this one out for the “Bush Legacy Inadvertently Revived By Obama” file.)

As time goes on, and particularly now that the Dems own the Senate, it’s going to get harder and harder for them to continue to blame everything on Bush.

5 thoughts on “An Amazing Admission”

  1. Are you kidding? Ten years after Obama is out of office, any smear of his name will be immediately followed by… he inherited that from Bush.

    Did I say, ten years out of office? Make that 100 years after he’s dead.

  2. Well unfortunately these admissions aren’t really stunners the Bush Iraq agenda has always been a Friedman wet dream along with opening India. He was just torn that a republican was doing it and at times botching the process.

    Now if we get a Krugman, Scheer, Milbank, or Juan Cole to admit something like this that will be amazing.

  3. So if Friedman is the guy to cite, what about his ideas for a large terrorist tax on imported oil?

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