12 thoughts on “Happy Fourth Of Fifth”

  1. No, Obama’s teleprompter is celebrating the 5th of 4th. The 4th teleprompter’s independence to the 5th power. Teleprompters across the globe will maintain a day long diffuse green chroma haze in observance.

  2. May is the 5th month of the year, and if you are
    trying to make a joke about 5/4 as opposed to 5/5
    you would be converting to cinco quatro, and if you aren’t
    fluent in spanish, it would be easy to make a stumble.

    But, Obama is smart and he makes human errors as opposed
    to Bush, who was a lukewarm IQ and intellectually lazy.

    The hazard for bush was his handlers were always trying to portray him as not an idiot, and, every goofup he made just showed him as the dim bulb he was.

    No doubt it’s considered vile to remark on Bush’s lack of intellectual firepower, but, I don’t have an emotional committment to defending his memory.

  3. I’ve never seen any evidence that Obama is that smart. Nor have I seen any that Bush is that stupid. You don’t get an MBA from Harvard with a “luke-warm IQ,” nor do you fly F-102s without getting killed.

    I’ve seen plenty of evidence that you’re a moron, though, almost daily in my comments section.

  4. Well, I’ve always said it’s a fatuity of the New Left that raw intelligence is the sine qua non — maybe ne plus ultra — of government. Although, actually, when you think about it, this was originally claimed by Marx and later Lenin, in the grips of late 19th century Social Darwinism. See, the socialists are just fitter than the rest of us stupid hillbillies, and so that’s why they need complete command, for our own good.

    Yeah right. On the other hand, I’ve always sided with Madison, who felt you could be a doofus and govern well, so long as you had integrity, good judgment, and moral courage.

    So I couldn’t care less if Oprompta or his predecessor was Not So Bright. Whatever their grades, neither is about to figure out quantum gravity or why the entropy of the early universe was so low, and those are about the only folks who impress me on a raw smarts basis.

    It’s the sleazy thuggery of the Obama Administration that bugs me, plus possible the lack of common sense, not the lack of IQ right at the top.

  5. The funny part is that Bush knows enough spanish to have never made this particular gaffe.

  6. > You don’t get an MBA from Harvard with a “luke-warm IQ,” nor do you fly F-102s without getting killed.

    You must be the only engineer I’ve ever “met” who has any respect for an MBA. The engineers and PhDs I’ve met think of MBAs as a type of life form not much higher than bugs. Individual MBAs might be brilliant, but the MBA degree itself carries very little weight. A PhD from Harvard on the other hand would be completely different. Perhaps an unfair reputation, but that what I’m hearing.

  7. I don’t have that great a respect for an MBA, but you don’t get one with a two-digit IQ, and you certainly don’t get into Harvard with that condition. George Bush got better grades than both Gore and Kerry. And of course, we don’t know what Obama’s were, because, like his birth certificate, he won’t let us see his transcripts.

  8. I’ve actually been inclined to ascribe a lot of GWB’s stupid policy choices to what he learned in MBA school — and I’m not an engineer.

  9. A PhD from Harvard on the other hand would be completely different.

    Depends profoundly on the field it’s in, friend. When it comes to PhD’s, the reputation of schools vary tremendously with the field. There are schools with a top 1% rank in one field, and a top 50% rank in another, sometimes within the same school or even department.

    You’re assuming the same factors that govern the reputation of a BS or BA work for the PhD. They don’t.

  10. What he says in a foreign language doesn’t have to make sense. The mere fact that he says it demonstrates how very cosmopolitan he is.

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