Why “Gun-Free” Zones Are Insane

The mass murder that didn’t happen:

“They just came in and separated the men from the women and said, ‘Give me your wallets and cell phones,’” said George Williams of the College Park Police Department.Bailey said the gunmen started counting bullets. “The other guy asked how many (bullets) he had. He said he had enough,” said Bailey.

That’s when one student grabbed a gun out of a backpack and shot at the invader who was watching the men. The gunman ran out of the apartment.

The student then ran to the room where the second gunman, identified by police as 23-year-old Calvin Lavant, was holding the women.

“Apparently the guy was getting ready to rape his girlfriend. So he told the girls to get down and he started shooting. The guy jumped out of the window,” said Bailey.

As Clayton Cramer notes, this won’t be big news, because it doesn’t fit the template. The bad guys were supposed to take his gun and shoot him with it. He refused to play by the nutty Brady script.

8 thoughts on “Why “Gun-Free” Zones Are Insane”

  1. It won’t be big news because it doesn’t bleed enough. Media almost always only report when things go wrong enough that there are a number of bodies. That sample bias is just the way it is.

  2. To make the case for gun free zones in campuses and neighborhoods, you need to show that there are statistically more people killed accidentally or by law abiding gun owners losing it and shooting someone in legal carry areas than there are by rampage killers in gun free zones. And with incidents like Virginia Tech, a lot of law abiding gun owners are going to have to lose their heads to catch up.

    As a student at a gun free classroom university, I wonder sometimes what would happen if someone walked into my class and started shooting. The scenarios don’t end well.

  3. I am a bit disturbed by the story.

    The student with the gun should be admonished for neglecting his target practice and only killing one of the criminals.

  4. “He had a gun at home”, is not the same as having a gun-free zone at work, school or the mall.

  5. Are you going to foolishly defend “gun free zones” and gun control again Jack Lee?

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