4 thoughts on ““How The Internet Saved My Tongue””

  1. Rand, since earlier today the layout of your site look like a mess in Firefox, there may be a missing tag somewhere. I have to scroll all the way down to see the text, but what used to be the left panel is now at the top.

  2. I read his book Shakedown which covers this in much more detail. Some in Canada are trying to get rid of the HRCs. We, on the other hand, have people trying to start similar activities. Canada has nationalized health care and it doesn’t work. We have a President who wants it. Canada has HRCs and many want to get rid of them. We have a President who will sign a bill making “cyberbullying” a crime and new “hate” laws to boot. The HRCs can’t be far behind. Why are we behind the times? Canada and Europe are regulating themselves out of existence and we ignore the results and follow right behind.

  3. Ezra is a hero. His courage and clear thinking are inspirational.

    However, the fight is not over. As long as a single person holds state power to do such things (and thousands are unable to fight back) we need to maintain our outrage.

    Government is now extremely out of control, but we’ve gotten used to it’s abuses and continue to allow it. We shouldn’t. I am amazed that we do.

  4. I think Canada was particularly vulnerable to this due to their tribunal court system which as I understand it blurs their judicial system with the legislative part of their government. The Human Rights Tribunal (which is the part of the Human Rights Commission that doles out punishment) is an extreme example of abuse of this system.

    In the US, such an institution would probably be placed in the executive branch. I imagine the IRS or OSHA would be the model of coercion that would be followed.

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