12 thoughts on “Rush Out And Get Your Copy”

  1. Those reviews are rather crushing. Surely her team could have found a few astroturfers to pep up the reviews a little.

  2. I was hoping it would have the inside scoop on her favorite kitty litter. That way I could pay to have 15 tons of it shipped to her congressional office.

  3. It was much better than ‘Cats.’ I would read it again and again and again………………

  4. It was the best of times it was the worst of times.

    Call me Ishmael.

    It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

    We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold

    It’s all about ME, ME, ME, ME, ME ,M………

    As literature goes, she doesn’t really match up. And, granted, most of this is fiction, but so is HER view of HER.

  5. The one thing about Sgt. Schultz is that for all of the trouble the CIA has gotten into over the years, it is only reasonable to assume that the CIA would have adapted by knowing how to brief members of Congress so as to immunize themselves.

    I mean take Mr. Obama . . . please! The thing that got Sarah Palin such disrespect is that in her Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric interviews, she didn’t seem to know the first thing about matters that would be common knowledge if a person had been reading “wingnut” blogs let alone “respectable news sources” in the years since 2001.

    Mr. Obama is supposed to be so intelligent, educated, and well-read, and he has never come across Jim Hougan’s book Secret Agenda? Even if you don’t believe Mr. Hougan’s tale of Nixon being done in by the CIA running a call-girl service out of the DNC Watergate headquarters without Larry O’Brien knowing about it, for the purpose of the CIA getting blackmail on all of Washington to protect their line item in the Federal budget, which Nixon’s Plumbers stumbled upon thinking this was dirt they could fling at the Dems, a White House dirty-trick operation that got sabotaged by sending in people with CIA connections to break into the Watergate and by Nixon’s White House Counsel being recently married to one of the CIA’s madams.

    Even if you don’t subscribe to any of this, which I learned about because the book was favorably reviewed by a college-town Left wing paper, wouldn’t you kinda get the idea that the CIA has certain capabilities and maybe you don’t want to mess with those boys?

    Maybe you got to be President on the tide that people hated Mr. Bush, but if it was the CIA actually carrying out the interrogations and not some job holders from Mr. Bush’s White House, do you think a person with a Harvard Law Degree could rub two brain cells together to think through a plan before laying into the CIA?

    If I am developing a low opinion of the intellectual horsepower of Ms Pelosi, Mr. Obama, and others, do you suppose it is because they lack the intellectual curiousity to even read the Left wing literature on these matters to know whom in the CIA they are dealing with?

  6. Even if you don’t subscribe to any of this, which I learned about because the book was favorably reviewed by a college-town Left wing paper, wouldn’t you kinda get the idea that the CIA has certain capabilities and maybe you don’t want to mess with those boys?

    Haven’t you been paying attention? The only thing secret the CIA is capable of, is engineering the AIDS virus to attack only black people.

    I know it’s true because I heard about it on the internet!

  7. Well, they’ve managed to hide the location of the secret alien lunar base too. I know everybody says it’s on the Moon, but I bet it’s in the Bermuda Triangle. That’s the kind of out of the box thinking you get from the CIA on its good days.

  8. “secret alien lunar base”

    I thought it was in a mountain somewhere. Any Scientologists around to confirm?

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