3 thoughts on “The Quintessential Liberal Fascist”

  1. The essay sent shivers down my spine as it reminded me of the biblical prophesy about that which is standing where it aught not.

    This quote captures the thought…

    Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes, not divine, but demonic.

  2. Great article. I concluded about a week ago that the best way to describe Obama was as a self-righteous autocrat, but then I lack the historical perspective of this author. She admits, however, that Obama himself may be unaware of the context of his own movement. And that’s the way I see him: Barack is all about Barack. If he is the Left’s long-awaited deliver, if he is playing the socialist/fascist end-game, if he is promoting and espousing the wretched philosophy that goes with all that — all that ever mattered to him was that it made for a convenient political alliance with which to further his personal ambitions.

  3. “Spending a lot of money on infrastructure and social welfare programs is fascist. Murdering hundreds of thousands of foreigners in a war of aggression while shitting on every Western liberal conception of human rights is not.” Whilst the current sitting President is doing both, that is actually not the specific we are complaining about.

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