Clueless At The Telegraph

Apparently there’s some confusion about what “the Right” in America is over the pond. Not to mention who are “top Republicans”:

In his audacious attack on a sitting president last week, Mr Cheney declared that America was less safe from terrorism after Mr Obama’s decision to abandon violent interrogation methods and close Guantanamo.

But once the cheering had died down on talk radio and cable television, discordant voices emerged from the Right to challenge Mr Cheney’s defence of the Bush-era legacy.

“Yeah, I disagree with Dick Cheney,” said Tom Ridge, who was appointed by the Bush-Cheney administration to set up and run the Department of Homeland Security in the wake of the 2001 terrorist attacks on America.

The other “top Republican” “from the Right” quoted is John McCain, who formed part of the political tag team with George Bush who seemed to do their best to squeeze the last drops of “the Right” out of the party. We just had the stark contrast of speeches on national security between a perpetual campaigner and vague spinner, and a statesman speaks his mind as always, and these squishes are whining about it. Pathetic.

[Update a few minutes later]

Oh, and Tom Ridge is an idiot:

Mr Ridge spoke out after back-to-back “dueling” speeches on national security by Mr Obama and Mr Cheney on Thursday. He took issue with much of what Mr Obama had to say, but particularly disliked Mr Cheney’s response.

“It’s just the whole notion of a Republican vice president giving a speech after the incumbent Democratic president,” Mr Ridge told CNN. “It’s gotta go beyond the politics of either party.”

The Cheney speech was planned weeks in advance. What was he supposed to do, cancel at the last minute so that he wouldn’t make The One look bad when he scheduled his to come first?

54 thoughts on “Clueless At The Telegraph”

  1. There are 2 types of deficit. Current deficits and Budget deficits.
    Current deficits are really bad, you want those to balance.
    Budget deficits are split into operating and capital deficits.
    operating deficits are worrisome, capital deficits need to be examined.

    If you go to college, it’s a deficit, but it tends to be a good idea.
    If you buy a house, it’s a defict, but it can be a good idea.

    Much of what Obama is investing into is Capital.

  2. > All that infrastructure spending is Capital.

    Much of it is wasted capital. It’s also ill-timed.

    Which reminds me, planned parenthood is capital?

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