Fox Derangement Syndrome

…is on full display over at this “Democratic” Underground discussion of a typical leftist who wants to decide what other people should, and should not hear.

I went in to have some blood drawn on Tuesday, and Fox News was playing in the doctor’s office waiting room. It obviously didn’t bother me, but I can’t imagine being as outraged as some of these people are even if it had been MSNBC with Olbermann.

7 thoughts on “Fox Derangement Syndrome”

  1. Every time I go in they routinely weigh me and take my blood pressure. I’m with you all the way up to Olbermann. THAT is an extreme that I can’t imagine wouldn’t have a slight, but measurable, effect on my BP reading. The guy is an absoute waste of sea water.

  2. The entertaining part is that there is a guy, with a peace sign avatar, who is comparing the lefties who want to censor Fox News on public TVs with George Bush. He seems to be the most level-headed poster in the group.

    One of the things that repels me about left-wing blogs and sites is the infantile level of commentary that they attract. Although I can’t stand the religious right and social conservatives, at least they attract a somewhat higher level of discourse (more erudite, more polite) than the liberal-left sites.

  3. I find that liberal-left sites, in general, seem to attract a very immature crowd. One of these sites had some commentary about Friedman’s and Theil’s recent comments promoting seasteading. The liberal-left commentary was very childish ranting and raving that served no purpose. They were complaining about how bad and evil libertarians were that they wanted to leave and build seasteads. It was really silly. Since these liberal-left people don’t like libertarians and libertarianism, you would think they would be happy to see them go. Since they themselves are not interested in seastead, why would it matter to them if others who disagree with them politically want to leave and do seasteading?

    These liberal-left people are really childish.

  4. Since these liberal-left people don’t like libertarians and libertarianism, you would think they would be happy to see them go. Since they themselves are not interested in seastead, why would it matter to them if others who disagree with them politically want to leave and do seasteading?

    Why do you think that the Berlin Wall was built?

  5. “Since they themselves are not interested in seastead, why would it matter to them if others who disagree with them politically want to leave and do seasteading?”

    Because that means their productive source of wealth generation will leave with it.

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