When You’ve Lost Ted Rall, Roseanne Barr

…and Bill Maher, you’ve truly lost un-America:

Obama needs to start putting it on the line in fights against the banks, the energy companies and the healthcare industry. I never thought I’d say this, but he needs to be more like George W. Bush. Bush was all about, “You’re with us or against us.”

Obama’s more like, “You’re either with us, or you obviously need to see another picture of this adorable puppy!”

Can he win re-election without the leftist douchebag vote? The most annoying thing about Maher, of course, is that he slanders libertarians by calling himself one.

13 thoughts on “When You’ve Lost Ted Rall, Roseanne Barr”

  1. Yeah, I never could figure out how or why Maher’s earlier show was called “politically incorrect.” Where his opinions are concerned, they have long been pretty much in sync with the p.c. left.

  2. Without a Dem primary in 2012 there won’t be anyone else for them to vote for, but they may stay home (same for gays). Mainly though I think he’ll lose the economic centrists and entrepreneurial types to a good Republican candidate like Mitt Romney.

  3. I voted for Mitt in CA primaries, because it was the right thing to do, but honestly I know that he’ll never be a candidate. Republicans allow MSM to manage their primaries, and media will never permit it. Also, sociocons will push another Huckabee.

  4. I’ve been rooting for Mitch Daniels for president since I moved there in 2006, and to make acquaintance with the governor’s way of thinking about things read his 2006 State of the State address. The man gets it.

  5. It’s actually a benefit to lose the snarling attack dogs. Their main purpose in life was to make the left wing of the Democratic party (the left of the left) look more centrist.

    It should also be remembered that Reagan “lost” the extreme right his first year as well. It didn’t seem to hurt him in the next election. Obama won’t lose either if he gets the economy to pick up like Reagan did, if not, then all the venomous boobs in the world won’t help him.

  6. Also, sociocons will push another Huckabee.

    Only if they’re as stupid as the MSM makes them out to be. Which, given that he won the Republican primary here in Georgia last year, they might be.

    But Mike Huckabee is about as “sociocon” as Michael Bloomberg — his only claim to the “Religious Right” identification is that he goes to church (and does more than just sit in the pew for 20 years failing to listen to what the pastor is saying).

    I hold some “sociocon” views but would stay home rather than vote for Huckabee for president.

  7. Hey, I label as “un-American” people who place their hopes in the federal government to better the human condition. ‘Tis far better to focus public inquiry and action at the local level.

    The Feds, though, don’t like the competition. It interferes with their ability to buy friends and hobnob with the global aristocracy at Davos et al.

  8. Why is it, every time I turn around, there’s a pack of “enlightened” squishes trying to throw me out of the Republican Party? Evidently the Big Tent isn’t big enough for the people who brought it to victory after victory. John McCain was a good, solid social Moderate- I guess he made Republican voters abandon the party in droves because of sunspots, or something.

    Try winning a few elections for a change, K and Pete. Or try at least not losing as shamefully as the past few “social moderate” Republican candidates have, or try not doing as much damage to the Party’s future as the current Moderate leadership has; but I’m rather tired of listening to the Captains of the Titanic holding forth to me on seamanship.

  9. Lot’s of right wingers confuse ” People who Hate America” with ” People who Hate Us”. Yeah, we know how much cons love America, they just hate everyone who isn’t on their side.
    I’ll take Maher anyday over Rush Limbaugh or Bill O’Reilly, at least he is funny sometimes. But leftists have no sense of humor according to some 2 bit bloggers; talk about stupidity and dishonesty growing out of gross over generalizations

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