Forget Personalities

Find some principles, Republicans:

The genius of America is the creativity and energy of a free people, and conservatives must never forget that it is federalism that encourages that genius to flower across the entire country.

But you can’t just be a fair-weather federalist. You have to be consistent.

8 thoughts on “Forget Personalities”

  1. Ryan, was that a bad joke?

    The point of the post is that what we need is Federalism. Anyone will do; Alexander Hamilton is just one embodiment.

  2. We NEED state governments that have some influence over their federal elected officials.

    Regrettably, too many of said state governments see themselves as conduits for federal largesse — minus the “administrative fee” that they extract for the betterment of (you guessed it) phony-baloney jobs.

  3. Rand, do you realize you’re asking for consistency from modern politicians? Yikes. . . 🙁

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