If I Had One Of These

..it would probably just chase women:

The person in the wheelchair wears a cap that can read brain signals, which are relayed to a brain scan electroencephalograph, or EEG, on the electrically powered wheelchair, and then analyzed in a computer program.

Research into mobility is part of Toyota’s larger strategy to go beyond automobiles in helping people get around in new ways.

The new system allows the person on the wheelchair to turn left or right and go forward, almost instantly, according to researchers.

Seriously, this will be a huge boon for the disabled. Faster please.

10 thoughts on “If I Had One Of These”

  1. If it’s built by Toyota, the UAW will fight the technology because it threatens U.S. auto workers wages and benefits.

  2. Gamers and Whovians(sp?).

    “Exterminate…Exterminate…We Are The Superior Lifeform…Exterminate…”

  3. I think I’d suffer the same problem as Rand. I have visions of traveling down the street, passing a beautiful woman going the other way, and the chair just turning me around and following after her.

    There should be limits to mind controlling devices.

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