A Last-Minute Idea For Tea-Party Organizers

Set aside some time for someone (or multiple someones) to read aloud the Declaration of Independence to the assembled. It will be a powerful moment, I can guarantee you.

Assuming you haven’t already thought of this, of course.

[Saturday morning update]

Happy Independence Day! For a lot of us, who still care about liberty, it takes on more meaning than usual this year.

5 thoughts on “A Last-Minute Idea For Tea-Party Organizers”

  1. At the Reno/NV tea party, they had a group of six or so retired veterans read the entire Declaration in relays. The part about “. . . He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance” was especially well received.

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