How To Talk To Reporters

Good tips for tea partiers tomorrow. And if you don’t have a sign, don’t let it keep you home:

The most important thing you can do as a tea party demonstrator is show up. You will be absolutely astonished to find that the biggest benefit you will experience is how encouraging and inspiring it is to be among like-minded people demonstrating for a noble cause. The feelings of affirmation and connection will keep you going through all kinds of adversity in the fight to preserve the United States as a democratic republic powered by capitalism and individual liberty.

Ninety percent of life is just showing up.

[Update a few minutes later]

More advice from Jim Geraghty:

…try to walk away with something of a plan. As Glenn and I have noted, chanting and waving signs are great, but if you really want to influence the way government works, you have to put yourself in front of the folks who make the decisions. And those at the lowest levels — city and town councils, mayors, county boards, members of Congress — are rarely used to crowds of people passionately making the case for spending less money.

Yes, they’ll find it surprising.

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