Fort Lauderdale

We went downtown this morning to the tea party by the federal building on Broward. It wasn’t a huge turnout (my guess is that there were not more than three or four hundred people at any given time) but the crowd was enthusiastic, and creative with their signs, with a lot of cars driving up and down the street with their own signs, bullhorns and car horns. It was mostly a fiscal protest. I saw only one “Choose Life” sign, and a couple related to foreign policy. There was no obvious news coverage.

I shot video of this band playing some Dixieland. I may Youtube it later.

A little street theater.

The other Barry.

This guy say’s he’s running for Senator as an Independent. He doesn’t have a web site yet, but he’s got a few months to get started. He’s Jewish, born in Brooklyn during the war, and claims to have known Jack Kennedy, who he said wouldn’t recognize the Democrats today. “The Chicago machine has taken over the country. Obama is a Stalinist, and knows exactly where he wants to go. I’ve known a lot like him in my day.”

Can’t accuse him of not being a straight talker.

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