53 thoughts on “Five Stimulus Plans”

  1. As Rand points out, Gerrib doesn’t understand what a theory is.

    Again, if you wish to argue a different theory, please do so.

    I have with you. But you insisted:

    WWII stimulated the economy because we spend tons of money building stuff. Much of the stuff we built (for example, hundreds of B-17 bombers) was promptly scrapped at the end of the war.

    So a week later Rand wrote this.

    That was almost 5 months ago, and just a couple of examples. There are many more discussions back when it mattered.

  2. I should add, that reducing capital gains increases the realized return on all financial investments, not just stocks.

    Actually, it doesn’t. It only increases the return on investments that increase in value. Other investments deliver their returns as interest or dividends. If you make capital gains tax-free, but continue to tax interest and dividends, you privilege one sort of investment over another. That will push investors to sell bonds and CDs and buy stocks. A diversified 401k that holds different asset classes won’t necessarily benefit from that shift.

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