10 thoughts on “In Defense Of Cats”

  1. I thought it was established that cats were minions of Satan and were familiars for witches and other ill folk, aiding them in their dire deeds.

    Not that that’s a bad thing.

  2. My cat can perform on demand. She will jump to the top of her perch with a command of “Up Simba!”

  3. The problem isn’t that cats make lousy pets, it’s that humans make lousy servants.

    (My cat made me type that. Don’t tell her– oops, I think she saw me typing thi

  4. There are many intelligent species in the Universe. They are all owned by cats.

    And by the way, my cats are trained to come to me when I click my fingernails together. Anyone who has been to XCOR has seen Mouser come when called. Cats may not be a smart as dogs IN SOME THINGS but the authors of that study were biased before they started, and drew poor conclusions. And probably have never owned.. er, BEEN OWNED by a cat. Their loss.

  5. Perform on demand? My cat comes when I whistle – does that count?

    What, you think I’d live with something undignified enough to even respond to “Here, kitty kitty”?

  6. A cat will be up on the kitchen counter, table, etc as soon as you turn your back, and there is nothing you can do about it. Bon appetit!

  7. “I thought it was established that cats were minions of Satan and were familiars for witches and other ill folk, aiding them in their dire deeds.”

    Some of them are witch-y on their own account. When we start loading food into the ice chest for a trip to the woods, our strictly indoor cat puts on a cloak of invisibility and vanishes. It’s no use hunting; we’ve done that time and again for hours, to no effect. We dish up hurky amounts of kibbles and place a half dozen water bowls around the house, open the doors to the screen porch and basement laundry chute and take off for several days. When we come home she’s visible on the windowsill, pawing at the porch doorknob to let us in.

  8. Siamese cats are the best. I had one that was opening the doors that had wooden doorknobs. Had to change to brass doorknobs so his claws couldn’t gain purchase. They also fetch and talk, although many of the conversations are on the subject of food.

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