53 thoughts on “Why Sarah Palin Resigned”

  1. >> … just trust her and her motives.
    > This is something I will gladly do with Sarah and something I’ve hardly ever
    > been able to do with most all other politicians. Perhaps this has something to do with her appeal?
    Damn likely. Looking at the presidential election last year I saw 3 good ol boys who were such insiders they felt the world owed them the election, and though they thought nothing of lieing and looking down on the public, and discussing how the gov must take control to protect the country from the people; they wouldn’t dream of insulting each other or those in the “club”.

    — and then their was Sara Palin, who absolutely was not part of the Washington game – and the only one not lying with insulting ease

    > She’s kryptonite to independent voters,

    Actually she upped McCains popularity with independents by up to 15% in some poles.

    >.. why bother with the smears?

    Democrats are freaked out by her. Its one thing giving her more cred with political pundits. Folks don’t get this kind of well orchestrated attacks unless they are considered a serious threat. So pundits are wondering if she’s a lot more of a treat then they are assuming.

    > The thing we know she can do is fire up the GOP base. But that isn’t the GOP’s problem

    Actually it is. The GOP assumed they could ignore their base (because where are they going to go?) and focus on the moderates and softer lefts, but in the last 2 elections that didn’t help them because their base stayed home in disgust.

    Palin excites and motivates the base and moderates, and after the pure refined BS the old gard is feeding the public, a charismatic outsider who people feel is honest, is going to look very good indeed..

  2. Mark, that little dig at the end of Sarah’s Washington Post piece gave me a tickle. Yes we can! I think we will see it repeated over and over. Ju Jitsu!

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