Joe Biden

…and his terrible truths:

It takes years of yoga to learn the posture necessary for speaking clearly with all your feet in your mouth. But for some the skill comes naturally, which brings us to Joe Biden. Those who saw Dick Cheney as an evil genius crouched silent in the shadows of the Oval Office like Nosferatu must enjoy Biden’s high profile: he’s out there daily with the sunny enthusiasm of Ronald McDonald opening another store. And, quite often, telling everyone to have a Whopper.

It’s by Lileks, so you know you want to click to read the rest.

5 thoughts on “Joe Biden”

  1. It’s impossible to figure out why BHO chose Joe other than Karma to make up for such a bad move by the voters.

  2. I’ve often wondered if a presidential candidate chooses his VP based on life insurance factors. Biden seems to confirm my belief. Hell, I’d gladly take a bullet meant for Obama to keep Biden from becoming president.

  3. Class-B leaders choose class-C followers. Obama wanted someone who would never compete with him for the limelight, who would never challenge his statements or authority, who would never be an irritant to his insecurity.

    He got Joe Biden.

  4. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’ll agree with McGehee. Sure, Biden is a buffoon, but at least that would be evident for all to see. With Obama you get the cult-like press covering things up, making excuses, celebrating every pronouncement, and so on. With Biden, that would be a lot harder to do. The results wouldn’t likely be any worse than what we’re getting now, and at least people would have more of a clue about what was really going on.

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