5 thoughts on “I’m For Shock Collars, Myself”

  1. I’m a dog lover, but they’re neither smarter nor more trainable. No, the primary difference is love, loyalty and good intentions. Dogs have these qualities, and politicians don’t.

  2. I’ve been thinking lately, it would be nice to have a Commissioner of Politics similar to the ones in major-league sports. Michael Vick had to take a lot more punishment, and stay out of work longer, for killing dogs than Ted Kennedy did for killing Mary Jo.

    The “unsportsmanlike conduct” and “excessive celebration” penalties would be amusing to behold. And Botox could be treated as a banned performance-enhancing substance.

  3. Well, I realize this is humor, but in defense of the breed, no dog easily serves two masters, and serving 100 million masters would breed a shizophrenic, amoral, narcissistic monster of a dog. The fault does not lie with them, it lies with us, and with our stupid delusions about what a government can and can’t do.

    If we stopped electing people to solve problems that defy us as individuals and voluntary coalitions thereof, and did so only to solve very simple problems — keep the streets clean, make sure all traffic lights have the same shape and color, define the pound and meter carefully, and beat the hell out of our enemies, then I expect we’d be pretty happy with our politicians.

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