5 thoughts on “The Worm Can Stays Closed”

  1. IF they do send broad new de-regulations out there, loosening up gun ownership, I wonder how how high the price of guns and ammo might go? And ammo was just starting to come down and be available again. This is a good news bad news situation for certain.

    Hell, I may buy some guns and ammunition NOW as a speculation in the gun futures (kinda) market.

  2. Ah screw the markets. This is a reason to go and blow some rounds down range just to celebrate/encourage. Not that we needed any reasons otherwise.

  3. The decision won’t come until June, from what I’ve heard. But it will be welcome in Maryland, which is liberal with respect to long arms but not pistols. Personally, I think we should all be required to carry handguns. [not really, but close]

  4. Don’t worry, there’s already talk of banning “assault weapons” again, this time without any of those pesky sunset provisions…

  5. “Personally, I think we should all be required to carry handguns. [not really, but close]”

    How about a serious tax credit for psychiatrically-cleared, concealed-carry permit holders with recent range-time who explicitly state their intentions to carry at least XX% of the time?

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