6 thoughts on “The Most Powerful Woman In American History?”

  1. I think Sandra Day O’Connor deserves some consideration, too, with 4 votes to the left of her and 4 votes to the right of her at a time when judicial activism was at it’s highest level her word was law on a good many issues during the last decade or so of her time as a Supreme Court Justice.

  2. Pelosi? Ha! She’s considered by plenty to be one of the worst Speakers in the modern era. Ye gods these people are delusional.

  3. She’s considered by plenty to be one of the worst Speakers in the modern era.

    That doesn’t make her not powerful.

    Martha Stewart.

    Oprah is much more powerful than Martha Stewart.

  4. She’s considered by plenty to be one of the worst Speakers in the modern era.

    Whatever you think of her politics, the effectiveness of her leadership since the Scott Brown election — when you had even people like Rahm Emmanuel ready to throw in the towel — has been impressive. It’s hard to pass big domestic legislation, even with a big majority, and she’s passed not only health care reform but also the stimulus, cap-and-trade, and financial regulation.

    [For whatever it’s worth, I think the most impressive political leadership I’ve seen in my lifetime was Bush’s in the lead-up to the Iraq War. He sold the country, including most of the opposition party, on a huge, risky project that virtually no one outside the White House cared two cents about before he made it his cause. If leadership is getting people to follow you places they previously had no intention of going, that was leadership.]

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