The Real Reason

Why “liberals” accuse the Tea Partiers of racism:

Entitlements are in essence a Ponzi scheme. Now we have to face that and do something serious about it or our economy (the world economy) will fall apart.

Liberals, leftists or progressives — whatever they choose to call themselves — have a great deal of trouble accepting this. To do so they would have to question a host of positions they have not examined for years, if ever, not to mention have to engage in discussions that could threaten their livelihood and jeopardize their personal and family associations.

Thus the traditional wish to kill the messenger who brings the bad news: the Tea Partiers. And the easiest way to kill them — the most obvious and hoariest of methods – is to accuse them of racism. Never mind that there is no evidence — or what little evidence proffered has been shown to be manufactured prevarication — liberals must continue the racism meme at all costs. There is no other. To engage the Tea Party Movement in a battle of ideas would be suicidal for them, because the basic economic tenet of American liberalism — an increase in government spending and consequent increased national debt is good for society — seems nonsensical to the vast majority of our citizens at this point in history. And for good reason.

This situation could be looked at as an awakening or reawakening for our country, but it is far from completely good news. You don’t have to be Nostradamus to see that relations, in the immediate future at least, between ideological adversaries are going to be increasingly hostile. In the battle to maintain power — and equally as importantly to maintain self-image — many strains of the left will redouble their efforts to define the Tea Party movement as racist, further splitting our society and racializing it. They will seize on any isolated incident of the slightest prejudice as a pretext. And it is not unlikely that they will find what they need somewhere, because any movement of millions contains someone who exhibits some form of racism some time. Again, it’s simple math.

Unfortunately, not much can be done about this other than what already has. We have to be constantly vigilant, especially with the mainstream media so deeply in the liberal camp, often to an extent those media themselves don’t realize. It’s imbued in their DNA and their unconscious.

This is why we must fight back, and call them on it every time, and never let them get away with it.

23 thoughts on “The Real Reason”

  1. They will seize on any isolated incident of the slightest prejudice as a pretext. And it is not unlikely that they will find what they need somewhere, because any movement of millions contains someone who exhibits some form of racism some time. Again, it’s simple math.

    Huh? What’s he talking about? Is he implying that David DuKKKe doesn’t speak for the teabaggers? Nonsense!

  2. “Entitlements are in essence a Ponzi scheme . . .” Or as Margaret Thatcher once said, “The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”*

    (*Obama’s rebuttal: “That’s no problem–we can just print more!”)

  3. I always reach an impasse arguing politics with liberals. As with any impasse in an argument, it is based on assumptions. I assume entitlements are a ponzi scheme, liberals do not. It’s that simple really. Once you have that dichotomy, you will never arrive at a reasonable middle position.

  4. Never mind that there is no evidence

    Except that there is:

    Surveyers asked respondents in California and a half dozen battleground states (like Michigan and Ohio) a series of questions that political scientists typically use to measure racial hostility. On each one, Tea Party backers expressed more resentment than the rest of the population, even when controlling for partisanship and ideology. When read the statement that “if blacks would only try harder, they could be just as well off as whites,” 73 percent of the movement’s supporters agreed, while only 33 percent of people who disapproved of the Tea Party agreed. Asked if blacks should work their way up “without special favors,” as the Irish, Italians, and other groups did, 88 percent of supporters agreed, compared to 56 percent of opponents. The study revealed that Tea Party enthusiasts were also more likely to have negative opinions of Latinos and immigrants.

  5. In other words, it’s their opponents who are the racists. They think that blacks can’t make it without their help. So which people really have “negative opinions” of blacks?

    And I’ll bet the “negative opinions of immigrants” are negative opinions of illegal immigrants. And the support for them from Latinos is the source of their “negative opinion” of them. And I share it, but that doesn’t make me a racist.

    Thanks for the info, Jim.

  6. Yes, if you’re against “special favors” for blacks (like, you know, destroying their families with the welfare laws), you’re racist.

    Thanks for the facts.

  7. Jim and Chris, always rushing in with the party line, and always making chumps of themselves.

    No “special favors” for Blacks? Jeez, what’s next–cross burnings?

  8. So is Jim suggesting that Blacks are not as capable as Italians and Irish? That’s an interesting position he is taking. Tell us Jim, what is it about Blacks that make you think that can’t perform like others? What “special favors” must we provide them?

  9. I love that poll, Jim. It’s so stereotypically biased from such an obvious Leftist dunk tank. Example:

    “Over the past few years blacks have gotten less than they deserve.”

    Over the past few years? Less of what? From whom? Reparations for slavery? Could mean anything I guess.

  10. No “special favors” for Blacks? Jeez, what’s next–cross burnings?

    Bil, if you don’t subscribe to the Left’s meme of “white priviledge”, you’re a “racist.” See, it used to be cross-burnings were sufficent, but since those went away, they had to dumb-down the standard to stay in business. Now you’re racist if you don’t give enough “special help” which is whatever the Left is demanding this week.

    What’s funny is that poll is just a laundry list of Leftist memes. Is anyone surprised that folks who sympathize with the Tea Party are less beholden to the Left’s memes? Anyone?

  11. This is why we must fight back, and call them on it every time, and never let them get away with it.

    Yes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Rand and commentators do that here, but we need to make it a more general truth in the media. The problem is, when someone is successful in refuting the B.S. they almost never get invited back.

    If [Anyone] would only try harder, they could be just as well off as [anyone else]

    FIFY Jim, you see, they really are color blind in the tea party.

    without special favors

    It’s called equal justice Jim, another concept you find fault with.

  12. This is why the current electoral system, which forces us to choose between Republicans and Democrats, has to go. We need to be able to vote for true reformers without electing Bill Clinton by accident.

    Approval voting or Range voting is the only way to go. (’s Instant Runoff Voting creates the same two-party system we have today)

  13. Approval voting or Range voting is the only way to go.

    Not likely to happen. The argument that 18yo can fight but not vote is part of the problem. So why did we give the vote to 18yo that are not enlisted?

  14. FIFY Jim, you see, they really are color blind in the tea party.

    As color-blind as Stephen Colbert.

    People have learned to not express openly racist ideas, but the Tea Partiers clearly have a different view of race relations than the rest of the country, and the answers they do give to pollsters are the ones that someone holding anti-black views would give. The Tea Party movement can’t separate itself from racial politics.

  15. the answers they do give to pollsters are the ones that someone holding anti-black views would give.

    No, the pollsters (deliberately?) conflate politics with anti-black views. The “true skeptics” are all left-of-center, giving the most politically correct responses and are numerically as far away from center as the true believers.

  16. To the left (rank and file, not the leadership), entitlements are a way for the government to do good works. I, as a lover of liberty, don’t directly oppose good works from government, but I see the means the left wants to use for such good works violating higher principles. I believe government should not steel and enslave. Government shouldn’t encourage bad behavior or discourage good, as many social programs end up doing. A leftist is either blind to these offenses or finds them acceptable in the interest of a “greater good”. That we hold principles higher than “government good works” is proof to them that we don’t care about the downtrodden. Or in the overused term of the day, we must all be racists.

  17. the Tea Partiers clearly have a different view of race relations than the rest of the country

    Right again Jim (a stopped clock and all that.) Their view is one of individuals. You and others like you want to categories and group people by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

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