You Stay Classy

Mr. President:

Three days after he decried the lack of civility in American politics, President Obama is quoted in a new book about his presidency referring to the Tea Party movement using a derogatory term with sexual connotations.

It’s not difficult to take him seriously when he piously preaches to us about civility. It’s impossible.

Oh, and as an aside, no, I am not brimming with pride that he gave the commencement speech at my alma mater.

3 thoughts on “You Stay Classy”

  1. Responding to your opponents with contempt and arrogance is the “Chicago Way”. Saw the same dynamic at the health care “summit”, where the President gave himself the moral authority to decide what was and what wasn’t a legitimate argument.

  2. Hey, Obama is all about “fixing things.” Like intolerance. As president, he just won’t tolerate intolerance. In fact, there’s a whole list of things he won’t tolerate…

  3. Looks like the “bitter clingers” got upgraded. We can only guess what new slurs he’ll have for the opposition during the balance of his temp job.

    Keep your eye on Anderson Cooper, I ‘spose…

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